JoinedPosts by exwhyzee
I feel Italian today- can you say Cinquecento?
by moshe inthanks to our new car- a fiat 500 sport.
do you have more suits than underwear?????
by oompa ingod i have a ton of them collecting dust in my closet....42 long if you need one....i told my dad/elder to help himself as i have no use for them anymore.....damm i hated dressing up three times a flukkin week........how did i do that for so long??
I put on "the Complete Suit of Armour" after a friendly salesman assured me that it would protect me from the machinations of the Devil. Turns out I was shopping in the wrong store. Eph 6:11
Another MUSIC thread - One-Hit Wonders
by sizemik inthere's been plenty over the last five decades .
artists that have come and gone .
and left a single musical legacy behind them.. but a lot of them were great songs .
I always liked the base and intro of this one hit wonder.
The flute solo and accompaniment made me like this one, it even sounds good to me today.
Oh, you are a born-in. You had it easy!
by TotallyADD inafter reading sabastious post on when did you lose your confidence.
i started thinking about what it was like in the early 70's when large groups of people were coming into the wt cult because of the 1975 teaching.
talking with these people they whould tell me how hard it was for them to become a jw.
One thing I've found is that born-ins tend to be aless over the top about all the rules and doctirnes compared to a new convert. It was my experience that new converts often became fanatical and did the most damage especially if they wound up in positions of authority quickly. It was the new converts back in the days of the 1975 fiasco that often came into the religion because of that date and then ran with it. They often came in acting as if no one had done anything before they showed up.
On the other hand, they had it easiest, in terms of returning to their former lives once reality set in. Born ins grew up feeling alienated from most of life and even felt superior to the world thinking that they possess the only truth and are the only decent people in existence simply because they learned from their leaders, to compare themselves to the worst examples out there.
Oh, you are a born-in. You had it easy!
by TotallyADD inafter reading sabastious post on when did you lose your confidence.
i started thinking about what it was like in the early 70's when large groups of people were coming into the wt cult because of the 1975 teaching.
talking with these people they whould tell me how hard it was for them to become a jw.
In the Witness world a person who grows up in the TRUTH always doing the right thing but in a moment of weakness sleeps with their Fiance and confesses this to the Elders, risks being suddenly cast out and considered too vile and wicked to even speak to. Even when diagnosed with Cancer, the disfellowshipped one is shunned and left without help from his former friends and family. (this happened to my Son) Yet an "interested one " who was or still is, for all anyone knows, involved in God knows what, is welcomed in to everyones lives with open arms, encouraged and included in everything. A former drug dealer turned JW instead of being ashamed of his past, is trotted up onto the stage to relate his story and then applauded while the person who grew up as a Witness and never did anything wrong in his life, is virtually ignored.
I have decided that I am a now a "No-Hova Witness", how about you?
by Wasanelder Once ini've gone from being indifferent to becoming an full fledge non believer in anything much.
i guess i'm now a "no-hova" witness.
there's nothing about the wt or the bible for that matter that holds any importance in my life or death.
Most everything has gone wireless and paperless these days. Why not become an enlarged Apostate and go Hovaless while you're at it ?
DO NOT have children in this system!!
by What Now? ingrowing up, this is something that my other always told me.
i've had several conversations with older sisters who have said that if they could do things over, they wouldn't have had children.
other couples my own age are horrified at the thought of raising children in "this system".
Thinking the world has gone to hell in a handbasket and that things aren't as wonderful as they were back in the good ol' days, is a phenomenon that happens to people beginning in their late fourties (if they let it) when they are old enough to look back on their lives and see them nostalgically and gloss over the problems of yesteryear. They put on rose colored glasses whenever they cast their eyes back to their youths but they don darkly tinted ones when they gaze into the scary uncertain future. Every generation thinks the next one in line has a future fraught with woe. It was old guys who wrote the Bible and it's old guys who write the Watchtower. Doom and gloom is how they are feeling and consequently that is all they see and that is likely because they are dissatisfied with themselves and dissapointed about something. It's easier to blame something outside themselves than to realize they didn't live up to their own expectations.
Somehow the majority of Witnesses can go from door to door telling people that the world is about to end yet at the same time go on having children, having baby showers, asking the parents of newlyweds if they are hoping to have grandchildren soon. Most of the young ones, thanfully, still haven't had all the sparkle rubbed off their young lives by these grumpy old ones, hard as they may have tried. The ever present hope of youth hasn't been vanquished entirely and although their JW mouths are chanting the doom and gloom speak of their leaders, instinct and hope wins out in the end and babies are born. Life goes on, people always find a way to manage, children grow up and look back on their childhoods with fondness no matter how bad their grandparents say things have gotten.
My boys grew up in the 80's and 90's. I've often heard them talking fondly about thier school days and childhood experiences. Yet when I graduated from High School in 1975 the earth wasn't supposed to be inhabitable if the System of things didn't come to and end immediately. Jacques Cousteau predicted the the oceans would be void of all life by the end of the decade and oh how the Witnesses loved hearing things like that. In 1969 my Mother was pregnant with my youngest sister. A cargroup of Sisters came to visit her and basically scared the joy out of her with all the "woe to those suckling a baby" doom and gloom. That was 42years ago.
My oldest Son and his wife want to have a child soon. The grumpy old man in me wants to warn them off the idea but the wise old man in me knows that life will go on and youth and energy will not be stopped. Why spoil the newness of life for them just because I am beginning to feel a bit tired and things aren't as rosy as I remember them?
Married for all eternity ?
by exwhyzee inwhen you were a witness, did you ever think about being married to the same person for all eternity?
did it seem like a reality to you or was it sort of too out there to really comprehend, much like paradise and living forever is or even the concept of god having always existed ?.
i remember a sister in our congregation whose husband was unbelieving and the marriage was really bad.
I suppose one could view thousands of individuals spending a good chunk of their lives and basing major life decisions around a cataclysmic event that never occured as romantic. Especially if it didn't happen to you. Others might view it as pathetic I suppose. But Either way it was all for nothing.
Married for all eternity ?
by exwhyzee inwhen you were a witness, did you ever think about being married to the same person for all eternity?
did it seem like a reality to you or was it sort of too out there to really comprehend, much like paradise and living forever is or even the concept of god having always existed ?.
i remember a sister in our congregation whose husband was unbelieving and the marriage was really bad.
Yes ,Blondie it was a strange time. Some JW's weren't getting married at all because the end was so near. Remember the "Triple A" club ? AAA Available After Armegeddon. Others that were married, held off having children because of the fears and hardships of going through the tribulation with little children. Some young people were getting married because they thought they might not live through the tribulation and ever get to experience marriage/sex. Other couples had kids so that if they didn't live through the tribulation they would still be able to sitll have a family in the new system even if they weren't still married after the resurrection . I'm sure some who weren't happily married thought that either by death in the tribulation or some new arrangement their current marriage might not be in effect in the new system.
Here we are 36 years later. 36 years of not having a clue as to what the real truth about anyting is. All that worry and concern and missed opportunity for nothing.
by Hairyhegoat inwe ways went on the menastry !.
this was always a waist of time on xmas day, but you know what we always has a full turkey dinner after getting back from the door knocking.. i live in the uk at the moment but will soon move to alberta in canada, what did your jw family do on xmas day did you have family over etc... .
this year we had nobody.
I live in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains so we'd go up to the ski slopes every Christmas and New years. Since almost every adult was a janitor or the equivalent, if we wanted to be with our friends we had to slide down the slopes near the parking lot on innertubes instead of skiing like we'd have liked to. We were little kids so it was still fun because it was the only time we got to do anything as a group other than the occasional wedding. I rememer one Elder (also a janitor) standing at the top of the slopes shouting " WHO SAYS JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES NEVER GET TO HAVE ANY FUN ? "
One year my Mom and three other sisters got on a huge innertube. Mom was in the middle with her arms spread out. The two sisters laid across her arms and they all held on for dear life. Because of their combined weight, they went farther and faster than anyone. We looked on in horror as they went off the slopes and down into the trees. Mom couldn't protect herself beccause the two sisters had her arms pinned down. She wound up with a broken nose when a tree branch struck her across the face.
Later as teens, we were able to buy our own skis and lift tickets and drive ourselves up to the slopes. It was JW day and a lot of fun knowing or meeting everyone from other Halls and having the whole place to ourselves until the sad and wicked worldly kids showed up later on with the new skis and ski cloths they got for Christmas.