It's interesting that they fully expect any information about JW's coming from an outside source, to be unflattering.
JoinedPosts by exwhyzee
WT: "Don't watch news items featuring witnesses!"
by cedars inhi everyone, yet another analysis of a recent watchtower i'm afraid.
this one's a little closer to home, as it concerns apostates.
yes - i'm referring to the forthcoming article "will you heed jehovah's clear warnings?
Still no pant suits, for sisters
by Quarterback ini was watching the cnn this evening..watched hilliary clinton walk towards some dignataries in a foreign land.
i saw that she was well dressed in a pant suit.
she is the us secretary of state, and what she wore was dignified.
Pant Suits for Sisters
That sounds like a good name for an Apostate rock band.
Will the door to door presentation ever change?
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini haven't been out in door to door service in years.
my name is rules and this is brother john.
we are in your area today talking to your neighbors and asking this important question.
What's really bad is when the householder says your presentation before you do.
I had that happen.
EXYZ: " Good morning, my companion and I are...." Householder: "Here to talk to you and your neighbors about worsening world conditions..Please turn to Revelation 21: 3,4 blah blah blah " ... Slam !
That happened about 30 years ago....can't imagine what it's like out there now if they are still talking about the worsening world conditions. According to what we were telling everyone, the world was supposed to be gone or else unlivable by now
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
I am still unclear what is it in JW culture that the men are so unmanly as to be threatened by trousers?
This edict against pants for women isn't because JW men are threatened by women in trousers (C' can't have possibly believed this to be so ?)
The Boys back east think the public will be stumbled by anything but traditional conservative garb. They think the public wouldn't take a woman in a pair of slacks or a man in an open necked shirt seriously or view them as members of a legitimate religion. It's all about image....they must make up for what they and their members lack in actual theological credentials by making them look the part of someone who knows what they are talking about.
Name Things That Are Unique To Jehovah's Witnesses
by minimus inthey are the only religion that i know of that disapprove of a college education.
they alone believe in the significance of 1914. they exclusively believe that christ jesus is michael the name a few.. what can you add to the list?.
JW's are unique because: 1. They keep themselves free of customs that originated in Christendom 2. Only JW's sing bible based songs when they gather for worship. 3. Only a JW Bride wears white, walks down the asile inside one of thier gathering places, says vows and exchanges rings in front of a Minister. 4. Only JW's have public baptisims done at large revival gatherings. 5. Only JW's say a prayer before they eat 6. JW's don't depend on monitary donations from the flock...God provides all . 7. Only JW's sell their own line of unbiased Bible literature. 8. JW's are the only ones who are certain they are true religion and anyone who isn't among them will receive some kind of divine punishment. 9. JW's are the only ones who have a world headquarters located in a major American City from where they get direction on how to worship God correctly. 10. Only JW's have Missionaires who go forth into the world showing the Citizens of 3rd world countries the error of their ways. Oh wait....I think I just described every other Church group out there.... NEVERMIND !
"Hobo Witness"
by RayPublisher ina kid at school called my daughter a "hobo witness".
i had never heard that one.. as some of you already know, i'm fading and the wifey is not awake very asleep, but the kids are in the middle.
anyway, my daughter was bothered by his name calling- and on one hand i wanted to go down there and tear his little puny head off for calling my daughter names, but on the other hand i wanted to that bad?.
Some neighbor kid called my younger Sister a Jehovah's Sh*tness one time and my Mom marched over to his house and read he and his mother the riot act which was more embarrassing than the name calling was.
The neighbor kids used to call my Brother Jim , Jimmy Jehovah and they called me Richie Religious. Luckily we thought it was funny so it wasn't an issue.
Probably best to help your daughter see the humor in it....that takes all the power out of the intended hurt but I'd definitly keep an eye on that kid if I were you.
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
It's no picnic being groomed and expected from boyhood to be the be an stand alone on the stage...have all the answers...conduct the the strong one ...the protector....the decisoin maker...the bread winner etc especially when all of those things are the last thing you want to be. Many a Man would love nothing more that to throw it all aside sit back and criticize with the ladies while someone else takes the drivers seat.
Lets face one gets out of this religion or even life without being crammed into some kind of mold or forced to be someone other than their natural authentic selves. A lot of women want men to be strong , ambitious, high wage earners and leaders and yet often resent men for the influence and power they gain by being thrust into those roles.
P.S. Men were created with tenderness and parental instincts as well. Women haven't corned the market on all that is good in the human race. Although we adore them individually on the whole there is a tendency for some women to blame men for their problems and for men not to come to their own defense when needed.
Why do Jehovahs Witnesses send their mentally ill door to door?
by life is to short inthis has been a question i have asked over and over even when i was a very devout jw.
please do not get me wrong in thinking that i am trying to be mean or cruel or unkind to those who have mental illness, that is not in the least where i am going with this.
what i mean is i think it is cruel to send them door to door, it puts way to much stress on them and it looks bad for the name jehovah.. it seemed that in every hall i have ever been in there were some people who were extremely mentally ill. there have always been some in every hall who were schizophrenics or suffered major depression, or other forms of mental illness.
There was this one Sister we knew who suffered from severe mental ilness and paranoid delusions. Her husband was an Elder and she was /is a regular Pioneer despite her alarming behavior. For example, she used to go in service with a off center wig and black electrical tape stretched across the top part of the lenses on her glasses. She was afraid of inadvertently looking directly into the householders eyes or having them look into hers. This kind of thing has gotten progressively worse over the years but the last I heard she is still a regular Pioneer. They were old school...relying on prayer and the nearness of the new system. They felt if Jehovah would cause the very stones to cry out to get the preaching work done, then mental illness was no reason not to do ones part.
I think in this case, having a talking stone show up on your doorstep would be preferable and less bizarre.
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
The title of this thread should be Men Bad....Women Good
What could the GB do if every female JW showed up in a pantsuit on the same day.
Since you asked...what would happen if the men showed up to the meeting without a jacket and tie ? Their wives would be mortified and they would be viewed as immature and unambitious..not reaching out for priviliges.
Who do men get to blame for having to put a suit and tie on just to go and sit in some book study for an hour ? Nobody but themselves....certainly couldn't blame the JW women even if that's exactly what they expect from JW men.
JW men are low-earners. They aren't men's men. Jw women will kill each other over the JW male crumbs.
Way to make broad generalizations about all JW men. I've never been a low earner nor have most of the Brother's I've known. They were actually pretty resourceful considering the limitations that were put on them by being JW's. And what exactly are Men's Men...what does that actually mean?
Women are so eager to be walked over and spit on
Being asked to wear a dress or skirt to meeting when men are required to wear a hot uncomfortable suit and tie is hardly being walked over and spit on.
We are smarter than the brothers....we know our WT better....My present beng woud scare the living daylights out of male authorities
She said with all the venom she could muster......Scare the living daylights out of male authorities!! Geeze what happened to you??
Did you witness at school?
by NomadSoul ini grew up being a witness.
i remember in elementary and somewhat in middle school i used to be really outspoken about being a witness.
i even had my own study with a classmate, which thankfully he lost interest because i was getting tired of it too.. but high school was a different story.
I usually avoided any discussion of the JW side of my life at school and felt very guilty about it. One time in high school after there had been a big campaign at the hall or one of the assemblies about public school being like untapped,unassigned territroy and what a unique priveledge it is for scool aged "ones" to proclaim the "Good News" etc. In my writing class, we were asked to write a paper about what we expect to be doing in 5 years. This was in 1974 so the end of the world was supposed to arrive any day so naturally I wrote about being in the "NEW SYSTEM". The paper came back with a big red F scratched across the front and a violently scrawled comment from the teacher written in red pencil "THIS IS COMPLETE NONSENSE AND THERE IS NO POSSIBILITY OF ANY OF THIS HAPPENING !!! "
I felt like an all seemed to make sense in the meetings where everyone else nodded in agreement but when held up to the light of day by an unbeliever, it all seemed so feeble and based in fanaticism.