's true we've all been a fected negatively in some way.....I mean look at me....last year I couldn't even spell I are one.
JoinedPosts by exwhyzee
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
Thanks deffenitelliey got me on that one.... more defending the English language or my fellow males and heck I'm not even gonna' stick up for Jesus no more. I truly am an ignorant wite male who needs to keep his half baked, out of touch with reality thoughts and opinions to hisself.
another sad blood story
by Found Sheep inso i had a patient this week that needed blood.
as i always do i give the signs of a rejection and pros and cons... she said of course i'll have one since i need it... i just don't understand people that don't!!!
and they would rather die.
It must be difficult to be involved in these matters on a daily basis, let alone stand by and watch them refuse help. I've posted on this subject before so I was like Rabbit and was hesitant to repeat what I've already said.
Long story short, my Non Witness Dad died a horrible death because he foolishly signed the no blood paperwork before a surgery. All he knew about blood transfusions was from studying with the Witnesses decades ago. A short time after he died, they made it OK to take blood fractions. If he'd have known that was going to happen, he'd have surely done things much differently. I really worry about this issue because I have such an aversion to blood transfusion due to my Witness upbringing. I hope I never have to face this as I'm sill not sure what I'd do. I'm glad my kids are grown now and that decision , if it arises, is now up to them. I can't imagine the horror of just letting your child bleed to death. How do you ever get over such a thing ? And imagine how you'd feel if someday in the future you ever left the organization and had to live with what you'd done.
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
again my sympathies to you for being born a white male....hang in there llittle camper.
P.S. There are only two L's in little.
(Ignorant white male that I am, I still got the gist of your message anyway)
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
Thanks Meanone for defining the word ignorant and for bothering to spell it correctly... always a good idea to stick to words you are quite familiar with and ones you know how to spell .
Hats off to your lucky lucky husband.
Came Across This Artifact Today
by DNCall in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:documentproperties> <o:template>normal.dotm</o:template> <o:revision>0</o:revision> <o:totaltime>0</o:totaltime> <o:pages>1</o:pages> <o:words>188</o:words> <o:characters>1077</o:characters> <o:company>kavelin music</o:company> <o:lines>8</o:lines> <o:paragraphs>2</o:paragraphs> <o:characterswithspaces>1322</o:characterswithspaces> <o:version>12.0</o:version> </o:documentproperties> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><!
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I'm surprised he didn't get sued by the Society for any number of copyright violations. LOL !
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
Now you have gone from talking about how opressed......
Sorry MEANGIRL....that should have read "now we have gone from talking about...." I didn't mean to imply it was you who brought that up.
Evidently enough JW men went along with it to the point that the mysoginstic governing body had a whole Awake dedicated to it basically persauding JW dads in
other countries to stop mutilating their daughters...duh
I think you meant to say Misogynistic Governing Body rather than "mysoginstic governing body" and presuading JW Dads rather than "persauding JW dads" ...but I do remember that article come to think of it. From what you say about the Governing Body and JW Men, I'm surprised they would try and stop this practice. One day they might stop doing this to little boys as well.
Anyway, from everything I've learned on this thread about unmanly, low wage earning and unintelligent JW men and opressed spineless self loathing JW women it's no wonder we never quite fit in. I'm surprized we didn't get the hell otta' there sooner.
P.S. My spineless Wife just remarked "sounds like she must be having girl friend problems" (Don't worry I'll smack her around for that one.)
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
We are smarter than brothers, not the same, Smarterr
We know our WT better. JW men are low wage earners. They aren't men's men. JW women will kill eachother over the JW male crumbs.
Whether you meant to or not, you made a very sexist remark in your original post. You made a unfair blaket statment about JW men. You werent talking about "equality" your were talking about "beter than" and "smarter than" You even dispairaged their masculinity. If a Man said things like this about women he would be considered a sexist bully. If someone made a comment like this about a person of another race, especially a minority he would be a considered a racist. You are able to make these broad sweeping statements about JW men and seem utterly surprised that someone dared to take exception to it. Talk about a double standard. You don't even have a good opinion of JW women who you say would kill eachother over the crumbs JW men drop thier way. Yet you think you are somehow defending women .
You now have gone from talking about how opperssed it was not being allowed to wear pants to the meeting and comparing it to barbaric female circumcision....with broken glass no less ! What brought that up.? What JW male would go along with a thing like that? Talk about going off on tangents.
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
I truly feel sorry for you as you are an EXTREMELY self centered person.
Have we even met eachother?? Where is all this venom coming from ? Is that why you call yourself MEANGIRL?
I personally never saw anyone purposly treat a woman truly badly at the KH but I did think the whole headship thing was taken too far. I believe that what was once meant to help organize a group (someone taking the lead) ended up causing a whole cross section of people to feel inferior and excluded. Plenty of Women would have been perfectly happy and capable of taking the lead. Myself and many other Men never wanted any of the prestige you say we had in the Hall. I wasn't asking for any pity for having a penis as you say, I was merly pointing out that men as well as women were guilted into doing things they wouldn't normally have done otherwise, the same way women were guilted into always wearing a dress or skirt, men were made to feel less than if they didn't want to be a leader or didn't want to wear a suit. Their very salvation seemed to hinge upon whether or not they did their part in not only the Ministry but also the leadership of the congregation....a thankless job. The whole leadership concept in the KH is skewed. You are suposed to be a Servant and your work is supposed to be a privelege yet you have way too much power and say in other people's lives and their relationship with their maker. Your decisions as a leader can destroy the lineage of an entire family forever. As I said before there have been many casualties from this cult, what ever form it took in each of our lives, one is as bad as the other. If the roles were reversed and Women were given the leadership role, the same things if not worse, would have happened.
It's human nature to blame ones problems on whomever appers to be on top or in the lead at the moment. America is bad and is to blame for the rest of the worlds problems, if America went away and China was in the lead, all the worlds problems would disappear. Men are bad (especially white men) if they all fell of the face of the earth, and women took over, the world would become a paradise and no woman would ever suffer opression ever again. After all, Women would never take advantage of one another.
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
We are smarter than the brothers. Not the same. Smarter. We know our WT better. JW men are low-earners. They aren't men's men. Jw women will kill each other over the JW male crumbs.
Meangirl: Substitute the words BROTHERS and MEN in the comment above, and replace them with the word WHITES for example.
We are smarter than whites, not the same, smarter .
We know our WT better. JW white men are low-earners, they aren't men's men.
JW women will kill eachother over the JW white male crumbs
If someone from one racial group made a comment like this about another race, or if a Man dared to say such a thing on behalf of all men towards Women, there would be a huge uprising on here. Yet Men....especially white men, are fair game when a Woman decides to blame them for the problems they have. You expect them to sit back and listen to this kind of thing without coming to their own defense, or poinitng out any of their own similar dificulties.
Maybe the title of the thread shouldn't be MEN BAD... WOMEN GOOD rather SISTERS HAVE IT BAD...BROTHERS HAVE IT MADE !