In addition to what you said, I might have mentioned that the Watchtower Organization is constantly exposing the pagan origins of other religions and their beliefs. I might have asked them why isn't it important to them to know that the founder of thier own organization was involved in practices that are based in pagan beliefs yet calimed to be directed by God?
JoinedPosts by exwhyzee
The easy way out
by logical1 inbackground on me: mid 20's, raised as jw, never baptised.. .
a month or so ago, some jw's were calling on my street, i missed them at my door, but they had parked in front of my house while they hit up the rest of my block.
while they were at my neighbors door, i thought to myself "what is the easiest non-threatening simple message i could write on a piece of paper that would essentially give them "apostate" information, without them realizing what it was and shutting down?".
IT'S HALLOWE'EN ,,, what's your best scary movie ....EVER???? and WHY?
by talesin ini have a 3-way tie,,,.
nightmare on elm street series - especially in noes2, when the gurl is running from freddie in the basement, and her feet are in goo,,, and just when he's about to catch her,,, she gets traction --- that's real nightmare action!.
rosemary's baby - no special effects,,, just the creepiest freakin' neighbours in the world ... chilling!.
Stephen King's " IT " with Tim Curry playing Pennywise the Clown....scared the pee pee out of me a number of years ago.
And we musn't forget....
How Would You Answer...?
by EmptyInside ini'm wondering what to reply to someone who said the main message of the "truth" is the same.
that jehovah is god and he sent his only-begotten son to die for us,so that,we could have everlasting life on earth.. the rest of the changes don't really matter to them.
that witnesses are the only religion to teach this and the only ones preaching it.
The main message of the TRUTH may be the same but if the main message is all that matters to God then any religion that believes he exists and that he sent his son to die for our sins, would be a religion that is pleasing to him. If that is so then why don't JW's go from door to door with that simple message?
Instead the WTBTS has gone to great lengths to demonstrate that for JW's this belief isn't enough. The truth is in the fine details rather than the big chunks as your friend believes. This is why they have had to become a publishing company that spews out reems upon reems of paper explaining their TRUTH and why everyone else is false religion and hated by God only to find out that much of what they called the TRUTH wasn't true afterall. As one of Jehovah's Witnesses it isn't enough for your friend to simply believe that God exists and his Son died for us. He/She is expected to believe all the details they provide without question and to spread it to others, right or wrong until told to do otherwise.
This person is in denial at this point and it might just be an exercise in futility to even try and discuss this with them.
If your pet could talk, what would he/she say?
by Voices inmy cat semone: "i swear that's not my shit in your shoe!".
oh my girlfriend decided to fill it up.. me.
" Oh bringer of food and giver of all good things....tell me what ever became of all them funny colored books that used to be on the shelf over there ? "
Could The Watchtower and Awake Collapse?
by metatron inthis is not a prophesy, folks, but rather a train of thought to pursue about the organization, especially in light of its recent legal problems.. could the magazines collapse?
the watchtower is published in 188 languages?
and the awake a rather huge number as well?.
The Awake! Magazine will NEVER collapse! I mean, imagine the world without informative, college-level articles such as "Swiss- the Tasty Cheese With Holes In It" or
"Tree Frogs- Friend or Foe?
"Now that's funny ! (funny....and true)
ugh... constant reminders... LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
by irondork ini took an air conditioner window unit out of the window to store it for the season and a couple of air stream direction tabs fell out of the vents.. .
That's pretty funny Irondork. No one else in the world would even know what you are talking about. Did you notice that one side of each of the little watchtowers is crumbling...could that be a sign?
I have my digital alarm clock set for 6 am. If I hit the snooze button it comes on again seven minutes later and in the darkness the LED numbers flash 6:07 and my first thought of the day is about the fall of Babylon...and it turns out that isn't even an accurate date !
Video of my Circuit Assembly visit!
by serenitynow! in
this is the video my apostabuddy put together about last week's caper.
I agree with you for the most part. But like the brave well intentioned little humming bird, I think you might be fanning the flames of the forrest fire with your wings rather than bringing any significant amount of water to help put it out.
Panic Attacks
by trailerfitter inhi, i was reading on here a while ago that some of you guys and girls suffer from panic attacks.
how common is this in the jws?
the wife had a bible study today and i was sort of listening looking for a discussion point.
To me Panic and Anxiety attacks are the direct result of Cognitive Dissonance. Two (or more) opposing beliefs kept at bay for extended periods by unfounded logic simply can't coexist in the subconscious without some sort of unpleasant physical manifestation occuring.
I survived the last few years in my Career as a life long JW by having a small container of beer on hand in my vehicle on meeting nights. I'm not in any way a drinker so only a mouthfull or two would do the trick. This was the only thing that could stave off the horrible anxiety quickly. I wound up being only able to go to the Sunday meeting and I'd have to step outside during the intermission and have a mouthful of beer or drive to a near by mini-mart to get some. Isn't that the saddest craziest thing you've ever heard of anyone having to do in order to survive a meeting?
The very week I made up my mind to quit altogether, the panic and anxiety stopped and they haven't returned in over three years.
Jw's will tell you you aren't leaning on Jehovah enough or that Satan is testing you. Don't beleive it, your inner voice is demanding that you listen to it and it won't go away until it has been given the proper attention.
Video of my Circuit Assembly visit!
by serenitynow! in
this is the video my apostabuddy put together about last week's caper.
What we did was covered by our right to freedom of speech. The same laws that allow JWs to bother people in their homes also protects me. I don't get why you're so angry. Are you an exJW?
Yes, I'm an Ex JW but I still have affection and empathy for those individuals...those real people who view the meetings and assemblies as a haven from the scary world. As a whole they are vulnerable and trusting people who should be able to meet in their place of worship without someone intentionally going there to score some point against them and post a mean spirited video about it on the internet. Who of them (or us here who have never met you) could really be certain how far you would have gone to make your point that day? I guess I'm still just that loyal to the way of life I was raised in, to still want to come to their defense. They knock on people's doors at inappropriate times and distrub them, but it isn't their main intent and they certainly don't video tape it and post it for others to have a laugh at. It sounds pretty childish to point a finger at them and their offenses to justify your actions. I think it's time for me to leave this site....I've been really thinking about it lately. I am not a JW but I'm definetly not an apostate....that's their word. I'm just someone who used to be a Witness yet still wants to live a life where kindness and love are at the forefront of my actions as much as possible.
Video of my Circuit Assembly visit!
by serenitynow! in
this is the video my apostabuddy put together about last week's caper.
.you know better than to behave like that
By that I mean, she knows as a former Witness what is considered typical behavior at an assembly hall. She must have realized that this would be offensive to the people she claims to miss and love. There are more effective ways to accomplish the same thing. Did she really think this would convince her family to see her in a better light? This scares people the other way and plays into the whole notion that anyone who disagrees with the WT becomes mentally diseased. I understand the need to do something and wake people up .I'm just stating my opinion based on every JW I know, I think this kind of thing just confirms their convictions about apostates.