We had a Festivus party at work today complete with am aluminum pole, a donation jar for the Human Fund (pizza) and an airing of the Seinfeld episode. We have a dog friendly office so my pooch and another guy's dog were entered in the "feats of strenght" portion of the celebration which was followed by a mock "airing of grievences" where we sat around talking about how we had dissapointed eachother this year. Lots of fun....no guilt for this former Witness and no religion or anything serious to think about.
JoinedPosts by exwhyzee
Happy Festivus!
by charlie brown jr. inhappy festivus and as always............. be careful during the feats of strength!!!!!!!
A Smurfy Tale: Papa Smurf Meets the Jehovah's Witnesses
by Sic Semper Tyrannis inbrother and sister bishop had to be the most annoying witnesses in our congregation.
sister bishop was a shrill overweight busybody who had nothing else better to do than spread rumors about both people and inanimate objects.
on the other hand, brother bishop was a rail thin cuckold of a man nearly 20 years younger than his wife.
Papa smurf once gave the number 5 talk in the back school at our hall.
The Ministry School conductor shouted " in the name of Jehoooovah I rebuke you Papa Smurf... you also need to work on gestures and repitition for emphasis ! "
How come you have to wait on Jehovah? Shouldn't he be faster than you?
by dgp inif jehovah created the universe, knows it all, et cetera, and then he has a direct line to the governing body, how come you're always told to "wait on jehovah"?
can a simple earthling be faster in his or her reasoning than yhwh?
can s/he notice something jehovah will miss?.
Waiting on Jehovah doesn't mean waiting like you wait at a bus stop for the bus to arrive.
Waiting on Jehovah means...you know....waiting...like a Waiter "waits" on tables.
Feeling down.... BIG time
by Free!! ini know i don't post here often.... i just lurk around and read most of the threads daily (from my phone)....but today is one of those days that i just feel like "blah"... i dont care about anything, i realize i dont have anything, all my friends are busy or with their own set of problems... and i just dont want to bother then.. it sucks..... i just need to vent, let everything out... i really want to scream, but i cant... i wish i could run away from everything and just start fresh, i feel like a failure and i just dont like me at all....i was so down a few days ago i was thinking about going back to the hall, because i feel so lonely... but i refused to let my depression make me do something so silly... .
thanks for even looking at this thread... i just need it to vent or i am going to explode.... :(.
FREE....It's part of being a human to experience the full range of feelings....good and bad. It's just your turn to feel crummy.
Don't trust your thoughts, feelings and beliefs while you are in a low mood. Shoo them away like flies at a picnic.
Don't try to come up with any logical answers right now.
Remember the H.A.L.T. principal. Hungry Angry Lonely Tired and be suspicious of your thinking patterns if you are any or all of these things.
Set this matter aside for now and "change channels" in your mind.
Do something you might do for fun if you were feeling better....fake it till you make it.
Remember, this too shall pass.
Why the hell do I feel like this suddenly?!?!
by freshstart intoday i saw a friend that is still a hardcore jw.
she knows we're not going to meetings, but seemed pretty cool with it and was willing to have lunch with me, so i thought why not?
she mentioned something about the convention coming up in a couple of weeks, and all of the sudden i got so nostalgic and felt like maybe i wanted to go.
We often look back on the past with a certain amount of sentimenatlity and gloss we over the unpleasant parts. It might be good for you to go....once you are there you will have your question answered pretty quickly. I went to a JW funeral recently and after three years it all seems so odd to me now. The part that was nice was seeing all the people I used to know. But that in itself does not make a religion true, but it is a good enough reason sometimes, to make people stick around until something better arrives.
Born ins..Were You Forced to Be a JW Growing Up?
by LostGeneration inmyth: parents who are jehovahs witnesses.
force their children to follow their faith.. fact:witness parents strive to inculcate love.
for god in their offspring, just as the bible.
Fact:Witness parents strive to inculcate love
for God in their offspring, just as the Bible
commands them to. (Ephesians 6:4) Nevertheless,
they realize that when a child becomes
an adult, he or she will make a personal
choice with regard to worship.
—Romans 14:12; Galatians 6:5.They need to take a look at what is happening in their own organization. Yes , when a child becomes an adult he or she makes a personal choice but there are consequences for those who don't make the one they like, especially for Witness kids who were baptized when they were only 9 or 10 or even 13 or 14? How many of us knew kids like this who were punished for leaving once they became adults? There is no choice for them other than stay in or loose their families and friends. Thant's what I call being forced.
What Term Can Replace "Publisher" ?
by OnTheWayOut inindulge the possibility that, as profits from printed materials become thinner, watchtower might want to stop having members carry printed materials to the homes of many.
i know it will probably go through more phases of "cheapening" the materials (softcover books, pamplets instead of brochures, flyers instead of pamphlets) but let's consider the idea that they will one day cease delivering anything printed.. the door-to-door work is huge in controlling members and monitoring loyalty.
pioneers are their biggest supporters.
Unsuccessful Multi-level marketer who isn't in a cult.
Lurkers - can the "increasing light" excuse cover TERRIBLE non-scripturally based advice?
by cedars inthis thread is directed at those of you who are "lurking".
perhaps you visit this website frequently because you know something is wrong with the watch tower society, but you don't feel you know enough yet to form a solid opinion.. as you are aware, the society regularly uses the "increasing light" concept to excuse any scriptural advice or prophetic understanding that is subsequently reversed or changed.
put simply, the governing body would have us believe that god's holy spirit, which is guiding the organization, is deliberately feeding false scriptural information to the society as a "makeweight" until true understanding is revealed at a later stage (at this point, i would add that none of the scriptures quoted by the society in support of "increasing light" suggest that god's holy spirit would act in such a manner, but this is for you to discover for yourselves).. with all of the above in mind, please may i draw your attention to this advice, which was printed in the august 5th, 1979 awake!:.
. Let us consider home violence with the encouraging conviction that something can be done about it.
From that statement I would expect them to tell the reader about God's big picture solution to the problem....
Still, I agree...."unlettered and ordinary men" should refrain from delving into matters where only highly trained professionals dare to tread...ie Blood Transfusions.
'Where else is there to go'? Thoughts I had this morning--and evening...
by sd-7 ini was just thinking of something this morning.
when presented with the possibility that the witnesses could be wrong, the typical response is 'where else is there to go?
' in short, 'if not us, who?
The question " To whom shall we go ? You have the words of eternal life" was asked of Jesus himself, by Simon Peter, not to an organization.
Witnesses flip this around to say "where else is there to go" and the Watchtower would have you believe that leaving them is the same as leaving Jesus himself and the prospect of eternal life.
JW's and Chronic Fatigue Syndrone!
by cornish inchronic fatigue syndrone, m e, yuppie flu.
i dont know if anyone else has noticed the alarming number of jws who claim to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrone,i mean hear in cornwall there tend to be several sufferers in every congregation,outside the jws out of the many people i know i dont know anyone,although there are obviosly many outside the jws who suffer this illness,percentage wise it seems that jws have a much,much larger occorance of the illness.. for example my brother in law has not worked and been living on invalidity benefits for more than 10 years since his mid twenties,his brother is also in the same boat, an m.e sufferer.. i wonder if anyone has looked into this a bit more?
Yes CF, Epstien Bar, Hypoglycemia, Panic attacks and the Witness Disease....Depression.
So many of the above comments are spot on in regard to these things being brought on by the "Cult Like" mentality of those who subject themselves too far into the Organization. For some it doesn't take much to bring on these ilnesses whether real or imagined.
What they will tell you from the platform about this is " Jehovah's organization is made up of those who have come out of the world...the "sighing and crying" ones who have been beaten about and bruised by the world. It is only to be expected that there would be a large number of his people suffering such afflictions." These people need to draw close to the Organization...immerse themselves in activity.
The thing they forget is that many of those afflicted were raised in the TRUTH. They forget that Gods word is meant to be a comfort to us and serving him is meant not to be a burden. So what happened?? This constant indoctrination, being responsible for having all the answers and peddling of literature containing the answers (often incorrect) eventually sucks the joy out of life....wears you out until your body demands that you do something about it.