The biggest lie told about me??? Well let me think!!!
Right from when i was a little girl i was bullied in the borg. I was known as a big mouth which doesn't seem like much but when your 8 it's a big thing.
Always had nasty rumours being spread about me. The best one was i couldn't get a boyfriend because i was wierd??? And that i would get any lads interested in me in trouble with the elders! Whatever! Reputation of a slut! lmao!
I was bullied at 15 and called these names.
Bitch, lesbian, bankok chick boy, freak, trouble maker, shit stirrer, fat ugly cow, munter to name a few. The othere names i can't post as they are too disgusting. These were by elders kids i might add. The lies never stopped! I had rumours spread about me that spread into different circuits and had people avoid me i had never met before because of the ''bad association'' label i had! And yet still i went! WTF!
I met my now hubby and his family regularly like to humiliate me so i did the Non christian think and i have shunned them. They no longer exist like all the jw's and it feels great!
The latest rumours are i have become a buddist and that i am apostate! Oh and i have corrupted my hubby and daughter! I think the best one has to be that i am a JW hater and evil! These rumours by people i thought were my friends.... Mind you nothing surprises me anymore.
I would like to add that i am not or never been a fat ugly bitch, infact i am a sexy piece of ass and it has taken me until i was 30 to realize that. The intense therapy helped!