Thank you to all those who have defended me, i really appreciate it.
Aussie Oz
If god can talk to people i am sure he would have a far greater message and deliver it to far more influencial people.
God didn't speak to me, it was his Son. Who said my Lord hasn't spoken to influential people?
''Jaheshua Mischajah'' would have something new and more powerful to say today don't you think?
What is more powerful than the message of Love??
why do you think JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH chose you?
My Lord speaks to those who want to hear His voice.
what was the point of telling you 'do good to others & show love & kindness'?
To show love is the greatest command. It's why my Lord came down to this earth to teach, that's why he died for us. LOVE. My Lord is all about Love, if we are to follow in His footsteps then we are to show Love! I want to follow in His footsteps.
are you going to sell all your worldly goods & donate the funds to help the sufferers in Pakistan or Niger............or anywhere else in the world?
If i had any worldly goods!
Peace and light