Can you offer some cliff notes for us? You don't seem to have any opinion on the findings.
JoinedPosts by MrFreeze
Research studies on the mental health of Jehovahs Witnesses
by Doug Mason inresearch studies on the mental health of jehovahs witnesses.
Bane admits that Christians are to abstain from "eating blood".
by moshe infrom an earlier topic-.
"moshe, ready for another biblical smackdown?.
JW's shouldn't be allows to eat meat that's cooked rare. There's plenty of blood in there.
God Bless You!
by MrFreeze inwhen you were a jw did you ever feel really ashamed when someone would sneeze and you wouldn't say "god bless you!
" it always bugged me.
i'd always feel like a real jerk for not saying it.
I kinda brought that up in "Anniversaries" thread. The dubs don't mind wedding rings because people don't even know about how it originated. It's the same deal with God bless you. It's just courteous. There's nothing about it that's religious.
Favorite MOVIE SCENE - any genre - your pick!
i realized i was hi-jacking another thread so i thought i would start my own topic.. one of my favorite movie scenes is the "to tip or not to tip" scene in reservoir dogs.
i don't care for all the blood in tarantino movies but he is, without a doubt, a genius.. .
These two are two of my favorite movie scenes ever:
God Bless You!
by MrFreeze inwhen you were a jw did you ever feel really ashamed when someone would sneeze and you wouldn't say "god bless you!
" it always bugged me.
i'd always feel like a real jerk for not saying it.
When you were a JW did you ever feel really ashamed when someone would sneeze and you wouldn't say "God bless you!" It always bugged me. I'd always feel like a real jerk for not saying it. Does or did anybody else feel this way?
Sorry, we landed on the moon. JFK was killed by a lunatic. The WTC towers were not blown up with bombs placed by the government.
Do You Like People - Period?
by snowbird inwell, do you?.
sometimes, i like them -other times, i'm not so sure.. syl.
I don't like a lot of people, and that's because people don't "keep it real". If you like me, let me know. If you don't like me, let me know. I don't want any fake friends.
I Don't Always Drink Beer - But When I do , I Prefer....................
by flipper inmoosehead !
love that canadian lager !
also i enjoy a jamaican beer called red stripe .
My favorite beer currently is Magic Hat #9. I can't get enough of it.
Say " Hello " to the Least Racist Person in America
by flipper inin the spirit of keeping all our race relations positive- thought i'd start this thread.
from the time i was born i've been around people of all walks of life in america.
i love em' all.
Great thing is that each race IS different. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Some try to pretend they are "color-blind". That's a really ignorant viewpoint to have. There are differences in the races, different cultures. That's what makes the human race great! Everybody brings something different to the table.
It is very mind boggling to me that very few of us.......
by asilentone inhas never been a jw and has never have had any connections to the witnesses in the past and still post here..
Maybe people just want to bash JW's. I don't blame them but really, if you don't have a story to tell, there really is no reason for you to be here. This forum is to support, not to break down. Bashing JW's, without really knowing about them, doesn't do anybody any good.