I like Sylvester Stallone from the movie Victory. Favorite football player of all time. Can I buy his jersey please?
JoinedPosts by MrFreeze
whats your favorite football player?
by cheapjerseysell indo you like sports?
who is your favorite player?
my favorite football player is lionel andres messi.
Another thread to my story
by MrFreeze inthis is a story that is very hard for me to tell.
as a matter of fact, this is really one of the only times i've told this story.
a few years back, i met a girl while at the local community college.
I can't imagine experiencing the kind of loss that you did. I think that would be an even tougher pill to swallow. I'm sorry for your loss as well. Thank you for your words of encouragment.
Cleaning the KH toilets - short amusing story
by Little Imp injust thought i would post something on a lighter note.. it was our group's turn to clean the kh following the sunday meeting.
an elder asked my husband to "look at the toilets", hubby went into the toilets came straight back out, said to the elder "they're still there, bye".
he then grabbed my hand and rushed me out the kh.. i think the elder was too gobsmacked to speak.. hubby said that they want obedience and to follow instructions accurately and he maintains that is exactly what he did!!.
I remember once one brother took a paper towel, wrapped it around his hand and got his hand into the urinal and scrubbed it really good. He didn't wash his hands afterward either and he didn't wear gloves. I have to say those urinals were pretty darn clean.
Ran over my dog today
by BurnTheShips inshe was chasing my car up the road.
i didn't notice her.
she is gone.. bts.
I like dogs. It's always terrible to lose any kind of pet, especially in that kind of way. Sorry for your loss.
Another thread to my story
by MrFreeze inthis is a story that is very hard for me to tell.
as a matter of fact, this is really one of the only times i've told this story.
a few years back, i met a girl while at the local community college.
Thanks for all the support everyone. I do realize there was a lot more going on with her than just our relationship but it's just something that I'll carry with me, probably for many years. It does feel good to tell that story to more than just one or two people though. Thanks everyone.
Another thread to my story
by MrFreeze inthis is a story that is very hard for me to tell.
as a matter of fact, this is really one of the only times i've told this story.
a few years back, i met a girl while at the local community college.
This is a story that is very hard for me to tell. As a matter of fact, this is really one of the only times I've told this story. A few years back, I met a girl while at the local community college. She was absolutely awesome. She was just tremendous and just an absolutely beautiful girl, in so many ways. We started to hang out. Then it started to get a little serious. We started to date. Only one problem was I was in the JW's. I still believed for the most part at that time. Plus how would my family react to this news? I didn't want to risk destroying my family ties for some girl who I didn't know how serious it was actually going to get. I never told anybody about her. Not my JW friends and most certainly not my family. I hid the relationship as well as I could. We pretty much only hung out by ourselves or with her group of friends (and a couple of people I knew that weren't JW's and I knew I could trust).
Well within the first month and a half she wanted to know why I rarely brought any of my friends around or why I never introduced her to my family. I tried to explain the situation to her, the reasons why I couldn't. She didn't understand. She thought I was making the whole thing up. She thought maybe I was embarrased by her or something. You have to keep in mind that she battled depression which led to self-esteem issues. So it was pretty rough. I did my best to assure her that I did care about her and that at this time I just couldn't. Despite the rough patch there we kept on seeing eachother.
We continued to grow closer until we were together about 7 months. Around this time I was seriously considering letting my family know about the relationship. Then disaster struck. I knew she had been a little depressed lately. It was normal for her to go through bouts of depression. About 11 o clock one night, I turned my phone off as I usually do and went to sleep. So I wake up the next morning and turn my phone on. I had missed three calls from her as well as about 5 text messages. She left me a voicemail. I checked the voicemail. She said while crying, "I wanted to talk with you but it's obvious you don't really care that much about me so this is goodbye." I didn't know what to think at this point. I thought maybe she was just breaking off the relationship. Then I checked a second voicemail that had been left. It was from her sister. She was in the hospital and had overdosed on anti-depressant medication. So I run to the hospital get there and find out she had died.
That was the absolute worst moment of my life as you can surely imagine. The guilt I felt was absolutely crushing. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I had spurts where I felt like my chest was caving in and I couldn't breathe. If I had just disclosed the relationship, everything would have been fine. None of her family and friends really knew the real situation, I don't think. They pretty much knew she had been upset about an argument or a disagreement she had with me. They never did blame me though. I tried to tell her sister that it was my fault. She told me not to blame myself for it. I tried to pin the blame on myself but she wouldn't have any of it. Her sister said "She had depression. Sometimes there is nothing you can do. The only thing you can do when something like this happens is just dwell on the good times because it doesn't do any good looking at the past with regrets." Those words brought me some comfort.
We were both 18. It's been a little over three years since then. I still feel guilty about it. I've not dated anyone since either. I don't know when I'll be able to bring myself to do it either. I don't know why it's taken me this long with the whole situation, but I've only recently begun to fade as a JW. I don't think I'll ever be able to tell my JW family about this because I don't think any good will come of it. Well that's my story. I thank all of you for listening.
Two ladies knocked on my door
by dgp inwell, it just happened.
two polite elderly ladies knocked on my door to share the good news of the kingdom with me.. i was pondering whether i should speak against the organization, but immediately knew it just would not work.
i thought i should say a polite but firm no.
I never heard JW's asking for money at the door. None of the ones I know have the nerve to do that. They usually just place the magazines and go on their way.
How manly is your drink?
by BurnTheShips inhttp://www.askmen.com/daily/photo_blog/infograph-how-manly-is-your-drink.html.
i drink single-malt scotch, natch.
I'll drink just about anything depending on the situation. I don't really concern myself with what's considered "manly". A lot of people consider it unmanly to drink anything that's not straight. I do stay away from light beers, however.
Should a DF'd person lie to get reinstated?
by DT insuppose someone is wrongfully disfellowshipped and is unable to appeal successfully.
suppose he still believes in the watchtower society and tries to get reinstated as soon as possible.
imagine that the elders want to make sure that he is repentant by insisting that he shows remorse for what he is accused of doing.
Sorry sab, family is still family. It's called unconditionall love. Yeah, maybe the JW's don't practice it but are you any better by completely discounting your JW family? Family is family, no matter their flaws.
People Who Refuse to Tip at Restaurants are Embarrassing!
by White Dove inegg and i were treated out to dinner three times last weekend by out of state visiting relatives.
just found out last night that they don't believe in tipping, at all!
we suggested the places to eat and frequent those places ourselves.
How could you not tip? Those people who wait on you only make a few bucks an hour usually. It's their livelihood. I notice that anybody who has worked in the food industry always leaves a good tip. I never have worked in that industry but I always leave at least 20%.