A few more things. She is completely aware that I research the JW's. I tried using logic and realized logic doesn't work. If I ever bring up something from this website in the past she shuts down.
I tried the praying thing about 17 and a half months ago. She doesn't let me pray now and quite frankly it doesn't bother me.
Its not so much about her being in the true religion as it is "what happens if the witnesses are right and I die at armageddon" kinda mentality if that makes sense. Quite frankly, I remember thinking the same thing. This website along with freeminds did amazing things for my thought process.
The difference between my wife and me is that I spent the first 15years of my life outside of the religion. My parents were contacted door to door and because they were having marital problems thought that studying would be a good idea...so for me to leave at the age of 25 I could just erase the last 7 years religion worth of thought processes like erasing a game on a computer.
The problem with my wife is that the religion was built into her "hard drive" being raised in the truth her whole life. It has always been her. She can't just press the erase button without seeing a total crash...at least right now.
I am trying to build relationships in the community to give her somewhere else to go when that time comes.
Any other ideas? Keep them coming!