ChuckD: rofl
JoinedPosts by julien
Demonology 101
by Nathan Natas inis it safe to buy old watchtower publication from garage sales or from on-line outlets like ebay?.
is it possible for demons to attach themselves to these "old light" publications?
what could be the effect?.
how do i get a divorce when no one has.......
by jazz incommited adultery my wife and i are headed in that direction what should i tell the brothers?
we are doing so because she just doesnt trust me anymore ?
wasa: I have always figured that was the case.. I think that example perfectly encapsulates the type of nonsense the JWs treat as life and death important rules.
The whole reason you are not scripturally free is that (they reason) Jehovah doesn't recognize the divorce.. thus in his eyes you are still married. Yet if you have sex with your non-legal but scriptural wife, you could be organizationally executed. How many JWs can see the complete stupidity of this policy?
how do i get a divorce when no one has.......
by jazz incommited adultery my wife and i are headed in that direction what should i tell the brothers?
we are doing so because she just doesnt trust me anymore ?
would you be DF for sleeping with your ex if neither of you were 'scripturally free' to remarry?
What should we name the baby?
by Eyebrow ini am due in the middle of october and my husband and i cannot come up with a name.
i almost had him sold on venus, until he asked people at work what they thought and he got wierd looks.
i wanted to name the last baby sidney, but let him name her because he has never gotten a chance to name a kid before.
slagathor - slaggy for short
Does Science Prove The Existence of God?
by AngelofMuZiC infirst, i would like to say...... hooray for me>>>>this is my 100th post.
should i get a cake?
(hehe i know i'm corny) i plan to keep on posting, cuz i love mostly everyone here, and i have fun.. here's the real question....does science and all of these evolution theories actually prove the existence of a designer...god?
Two icicles on a roof in Vermont were talking about a similar topic. One reasoned that since they found themselves in such an ideal place for icicles, that if the temp or moisture in the air was different and such and such they would have a hard time surviving; he thought this might be proof that they were created by an intelligent designer. After all look at all the horrible hot dry places in the world! What were the chances that they would form in such a perfect spot?
elderly people, not married, living together?
by Mulan ini would like some opinions on a situation that seems to be arising in my family.. since my mother is now a widow, and her income will be much less, she may not be able to afford to stay where she is, even with the financial assistance she gets from the family.
so we have talked about her moving in with us.
the problem is, my father, her ex husband lives with us too.
I see a potential problem with the proposed arrangement here.. Mulan you said "Dad is neat ... but never wipes" ..
(sorry my years as a JW have impaired my ability to honestly quote people)
What is the real meaning of life?
by Nicolas ini mean, if we have been created by the evolution then, our life really have no purpose.
we live about 80 years and then we die and it's finish.
it seem really dull to me.
while 42 is a good answer I believe some would consider 137 to be a better one.
elderly people, not married, living together?
by Mulan ini would like some opinions on a situation that seems to be arising in my family.. since my mother is now a widow, and her income will be much less, she may not be able to afford to stay where she is, even with the financial assistance she gets from the family.
so we have talked about her moving in with us.
the problem is, my father, her ex husband lives with us too.
IMO to even ask this question is preposterous. Wait I forgot, you are dealing with the bizarro world of JW rule based life micromanagement. Personally I would let your Mom decide if she is comfortable with the arrangement. If so just do it. 88 and 89 is a little bit too old to have to worry about this kind of baloney.
Has Anyone Tried Yoga?
by Eyebrow ini have been considering learning yoga for a few years now, but i am not sure how to go about it.
i don't really have the money for a class right now, and most of the books i have found are either extremely expensive or not really for beginners.
can anyone make any suggestions?
I like the kind with the fruit on the bottom.
Loyalty to Org and jah WT 9/1/01
by Tina indid anyone who received this wt ,notice that loyalty was only extended to the org, marriage mates and family 'who are believers' the rest of you moms and dads sisters and brothers,etc.
you're out in the cold.. the article is titled,'what does it mean to be loyal?'....
is this damage control?
"For instance, if Jehovah's name is reproached, does your concern for its reputation motivate you to speak up in his defense? That is what happened to one relatively new Christian and his wife when they attened the funeral of a relative who had been killed in a motorcycle accident. It was a non religious service, and those in attendance were allowed to say something about the deceased. One speaker proceeded to blame God for this young man's untimely death by saying, 'God wanted him in heaven, so he took him.' Our Chrisitan brother found it impossible to to remain silent. He stepped up to the podium, even though he had neither Bible nor notes. 'Do you hink a merciful, compassionate, almighty God approves of situations like this?' he asked. He then proceeded with a ten-minute impromptu discourse with Scripture quotations explaining why we die, what God has done to rescue mankind from death, and the marvelous prospect of a resurrection to everlasting life on a parqadise earth. The more than 100 people broke out into extended applause" - Pg. 20
Just like a dub to start spouting JW bullshit false teachings. But to do it (without being asked to) at someone's funeral -- I would be outraged. Funerals are for the victim and the survivors.. They are not for attracting new members to a book selling cult of GB worship. This really annoys me.