Logical: Are you talking about ... ?ALIENS????
JoinedPosts by julien
Anthrax, Vaginas and Cropdusters
by Tallyman ini know, what a weird title for a thread.. over a year ago, i read in some news media of speculation in the .
intelligence community that terrorists were in the beginning stages.
of launching a biological-terrorist attack in the u.s.. in the article was the belief that muslim (islamic fanatic) women arriving by airflights into the u.s., were the smugglers of genetically-engineered/modified anthrax bacteria cultures, by concealing these cultures in some form of protective casings, within their vaginas.... much the same way some drug smugglers bring in heroin or cocaine into the country by putting it in condoms and cramming these into whatever body orifice they can.. then these women would deliver the goods to 'underground' laboratories in the u.s. (could be someone's kitchen or basement) for growing these cultures of biological strains into enough of a quantity of bacteria to release in an attack.... and then 9/11 came.. and then this article appears in the media:.
I D Cards First Step Down Slippery Slope?
by Englishman inthe uk government has announced that it is very serious about making it compulsory for citizens to carry an id card in view of the risk of subversive activity increasing.
it seems to me that this is the thin edge of the wedge.
i spent years trying to get out of a repressive organisation, and then even more years getting that organisations brain-washing out of my head.
If they do a ID card here (US) or anywhere I hope it is a smart card with big time encryption on the chip, otherwise it will be a piece of cake to make fake IDs.
Meteor Strike!
by toddy inrecently we have seen the devastating effects just two planes can cause within a built up area,imagine what the effects would be if a meteor struck this planet.. my question is,are we taking this threat seriously,is enough money being put into discovering and tracking these meteors?
A pretty good book (fiction) about this is Lucifer's Hammer by Niven and Pournelle. Most of the story takes place after the event, which is the more interesting part.
Ya Gotta Love Richard Dawkins
by FrightMare inrichard: .
our leaders have described the recent atrocity with the customary cliche: mindless cowardice.
"mindless" may be a suitable word for the vandalising of a telephone box.
Good god Six you're right, I better save her for rape fodder.
The Bible advances women's rights
by Rex B13 inour forum's now chapter likes to slander christian believers over alleged poor treatment of women.
in truth, the bible advanced women's rights in the ancient world, even in a paternalistic society.
here are the results of research into this topic.. num 5.12--the trial of bitter waters (sotah) is a an amazing provision by god for a woman to publicly clear her name (and indict a dysfunctional husband in the process).
I hope the Taliban are reading this thread, there are quite a few yummy bible principles discussed that they could borrow for use on their women.
Afghan Women under Taliban
by Tina infor those who might be interested in the plight, public murder,bride-price, of women who live under talibans terroriistic fundamentalism........ warning!
graphic photos.. http://rawa.fancymarketing.net/women.html.
carl sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones.
New non radium afghan table!
This is VERY weird
by Mulan ini have a friend in malaysia, who is a muslim, and she has been sending me lots of things since the wtc attack.
most are theories she is hearing in that predominantly muslim nation, about zionists, and american conspiracies agains islam.
this morning she sent me a very weird thing.. the flight number for one of the flights that hit the towers, was q33.
but if you string enough letters together you eventually get a few patterns that automatically and randomly emerge.
Right, for example PI can be viewed as an infinite non-repeating sequence of digits. If you decide on an encoding method, and you start looking in the digit stream you should be able to find any conceivable pattern, even the entire bible or koran, everyone's dna pattern etc. Of course the number of digits you have to search might be larger than the number of fundamental particles in the universe, so it could take some time.
Ya Gotta Love Richard Dawkins
by FrightMare inrichard: .
our leaders have described the recent atrocity with the customary cliche: mindless cowardice.
"mindless" may be a suitable word for the vandalising of a telephone box.
I'm on Julie's side. What satisfies some as an "answer", to others is often a "cop out" or "excuse" or "red herring".. There was another thread about why YHWH murdered thousands for the heretofor unknown sin of its King, which somehow slipped into a discussion about some unknown person and how she treats her kid. HEY, what about those murders by the God of Love??
Julie, give up, there is no answer to these questions. The Bible was written by primitive nomads, YHWH was invented by them, and his primitive bloodthirstiness and requirement to be worshipped is a perfect reflection of the kind of people they were. You cannot get a satisfying answer here because the people you are asking the question to don't have one that will satisfy you. The answer they have satisfies them, not others. And there are of course the catch-all explanations "who knows the mind of God? God must know things we don't know.." etc.
Anyway I gotta go now, I have to go feed my daughter to a bear because she disobeyed me. It was a toss up between that and a public stoning by the city gates.
nned to be frustrated and entertained? Try...
by bboyneko inthis, it's a crazy puzzle..figure it out if you dare.
i got stuck at the snowman for a loooong time till i got a little creative and figured it out.. .. http://www.vectorpark.com/levers.html
I got to the giant head but after that didn't seem to have enuff hangers for items..
The Intellectual Taliban
by FrightMare inone of threads of this tapestry is the patent absurdity of darwinian evolution.
my attacks on darwinism are not motivated in the least by any desire to defend any superstitious story of our origins.
i believe that it will soon be possible to demonstrate mathematically that darwinian evolution is impossible.
I am more inclined to believe it could be demonstrated mathematically that you are off your rocker.