Afghan Women under Taliban

by Tina 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tina

    Greetings All!
    For those who might be interested in the plight, public murder,bride-price, of women who live under Talibans terroriistic fundamentalism.......
    Warning! Graphic photos.

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."


    pretty sick...

    Clearly the Taliban don't just harbor terrorists...they are terrorists.

    I notice that the execution of the woman is done in a soccer stadium. Must be what they call half time entertainment.

  • safe4kids

    OMG Tina!!

    I guess I've been living under a rock or something for the past few years...I had no idea things were this bad for women in Afghanistan. Thanks for the link, I've bookmarked it, altho I have to admit I'm now a bit sick to my stomach.

    This site may be interesting to use in my Issues of Feminism class; a modern day, horrific example of the oppression of women.

    (((((Tina))))) love ya much!

  • Amazing

    Excellent Tina: I understand that many Afghani people want liberation from the nazi-like Taliban. This is true in many Islamic nations that are ruled by a minority of fundamentalists Shi-ites who practice Theocratic government. Later on I will post an experience from Terhan, Iran on how women in that country feel. I think someday, women are going to want to go to war, and liberate the rest of the women in the world. - Amazing

  • Tina

    Hi Gweedo!
    Some entertainment eh? Thanks for taking the time and a peek at what is the most revolting regime ever! That was exactly the point I wanted to get across,this is terrorism,not a womans rights issue! hugs,T

    It's terrible isn't it? I am hoping to raise some consciousness about these poor women. It ticks me off when people say it's just about womens rights when the fact is it's about HUMAN rights. The right to live! When we see what some of our global sisters have to endure,it gives us real perspective on what needs to be changed in this world! Thanks for checking it out! luv,T

    (((((amazing))))))) Thanks! I'll tell ya,it really does make women(me anyway) want to do whatever it takes ! It's truly an eye-opener about such 'theocratic' govts! luv,T

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • BlackMan4Life

    Intersting indeed! Thanks for sharing that.
    Peace - Larry

  • Tina

    Forgot to mention Amazing.Looking forward to the experience you'll be posting regarding this!Raising awareness regarding this is crucial in understanding the dangers of such fundamentalism! hugs,T

    Hi Larry! Thanks for checking it out! hugs,T

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • Teirce

    Those policies alone are enough to merit military action, as UN wrist slaps won't ever do a thing. I was reflecting to the gf that the way Afghani women are immolating themselves before they get raped, shot, tortured, etc, they're *Already* being carpet bombed in terrible ways, a little at a time. Ths continued objectification of women is what grants the pubescent disenfranchised boys the certainty that heaven IS composed of 72 chicks for every martyr. If they had any fucking physics whatsoever, instead of 24x7 Koran channel, they'd see that such a promise is for one purpose only, making them into living smartbombs. De-objectify the females, and that's one support out from under the menu of incentives that these bombers/kamikazes have.

    Regardless, this stuff makes me pissed when I hear some peacenix insisting that these people can be reasoned with. America didn't MacDonald and Coke the TowelBuns into shooting their own women.

    Where's the hand-grenades....

  • proplog2

    At least Iraq is a secular state that doesn't impose Moslem rules.

    We should have let Sadaam finish off Saudi Arabia. We really have little in common with the Saudis.

  • Tina

    Hi Teirce,
    I agree. Objectification in this situation serves another purpose. Once a group of humans has been objectified like this-seen as less than human and not deserving of being treated like such,it becomes very easy to abuse,torture and murder since no human qualities are attributed to them. They get a sense of moral 'rightness' about it as they feel no 'human' connection. Thanks for the insight! Tina

    Hi Prop!,T

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

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