I have empathy. Alot of it in fact. I care about the lost sheep in the field. I give high regard to the Elders AND elderly ones at the hall. I don´t have a constant need of attention. But I do like to point out facts. Everything I have said has come to pass so far. But I am not a prophet, just a person who can forecast certain things.
For instance, ANY topic I post on will usually be followed by Issac. I am not prophetizing, just pointing out the forecast. Pretty cool huh?
I am also not arrogant. Nor after self glorification. But the pioneers ARE the warriors in the spirtual battle. We will be very respected after Armaggedon. Parades? Who knows? But this is all to Jehovah. He gave me the guts, and the knowledge and in fact the boldness to come here and rip you guys to shreds spirtually.
It is narcisistic to keep coming here and complaining about the org hoping to have other´s agree with you so you can have a pity party. THAT is self glorification.