That video just goes to show how gross, despicable, and disgusting that eating and surviving is in the "animal world." That reptile, the "komodo dragon" doesn't take its captured prey back to its abode, its lair, cut it up, filet it, and then light a fire to roast it, and smear some barbecue sauce on it, to improve the flavor of the other animal. Nope, it just gulps it down whole, while it is still alive. I wonder if the komodo dragon even enjoys the taste of the animal, while it gulps it down? No, probably not. But, Oh well, that's all part of god's Master Plan for animals, right? Sure it is! -----Best Regards, Everyone. Titch.
Posts by titch
God won't lift a finger to help you.
by nicolaou insea breeze: @nicolau,i stated my case rather succiently, which you failed to address.
if you have a better solution to the problem of evil than what jesus offers, then why don't you present that in a new topic?.
pathetic diversion.
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Have you seen a UFO/UAP?
by BoogerMan inthe acronym uap once stood for "unidentified aerial phenomena," until december 2022. .
then the pentagon updated its terminology to encompass "submerged and trans-medium objects.".
Have you seen a UFO/UAP?
by BoogerMan inthe acronym uap once stood for "unidentified aerial phenomena," until december 2022. .
then the pentagon updated its terminology to encompass "submerged and trans-medium objects.".
Well, Mr. Boogerman, I have never seen one. But, believe me, I would like to see one, sometime during my existence on this Earth, before it ends. I really would. And, I would like to have that experience along with other people. Oh, well, we shall see.....Best Regards, Everyone.....Titch.
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Ages of each user here?
by ukpimo ini'm interested to know the age demographics here.
it must be significantly different to other exjw forums.
it would be a damning report for watchtower if most of us appear to have left for decades.. you don't have to mention your exact age, you could always say "in my 50s".. i am in my 70s.
A Fun Topic: BEFORE God
by Terry inyuh gotta start somewhere, right?.
big bang theory is not a theory of the creation of the universe, but rather a model of the history and evolution of the universe from its earliest moments.
it wasn't really until the time of st. augustine that the idea of "out of nothing" entered the discussion.. a reading of genesis doesn't force the "out of nothing" into it at all.. in fact, a kind of chaotic "something" was put into form - or - something out of "something", the way adam is formed from red mud and eve from the rib.
Mr. Terry: Nice illustration. I like it. Anyway, your post here reminds me of a person named Robert Louis Kuhn (I think that's how his last name is spelled) He had a show, that was shown on a PBS station here in Southern California, and it was called "Closer To Truth." One particular episode was titled "Why Is There Something Instead of Nothing?" That is an intriguing question to ponder...Just why is there something...out there...instead of nothing? I have yet to figure it out. But, I'm sure that YOU can.! Bye, and Best Regards.....Titch.
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40 Years Ago Today: May 15th 1984 "1914 Generation" issue was released. False prophecy, thy name is WatchTower.
by WingCommander init's incredible how this cover, and also this "series" of watchtower's is burned into my mind.
i was almost 5 years old when these were released.
“1914 and you” — may 1, 1984 watchtower.
Solar Eclipse - How Common is It?
by Sea Breeze inof the 213 moons in our solar system, only ours provides a total solar eclipse.. coincidence?.
I'd like to "echo" the words of ScenicViewer, on page 1 of this thread..."What difference does it make?" What does it matter? Yeah, we have, once in a while, a solar eclipse. Eclipses happen. So what, they are a "natural phenomenon" when a "new moon" happens. We also have "lunar eclipses" that happen once in a while. So, what? They happen. So? Titch.
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Can you identify this?
by vienne inokay all you history buffs, compulsive researchers and simply curious: can you identify the location and date of this photo?.
That photo seems to me to be the Santa Anita Race Track, in Santa Anita, California. But the race track at which district assemblies were held (1976, 1977 1979) was the Hollywood Park Race Track, which was right under the Final Approach path to L.A. International Airport, in Inglewood, California. That race track was demolished several yea years ago, and now, in its place is a football stadium, at which the L.A. Rams and the L.A. Chargers play. An interesting side-story to the 1976 District Assembly. I'm not a pilot, but I have been listening to the aviation frequencies here in Southern California for many years, on one of my many multi-band radios. I took one of them with me to the assembly, and had it in my car. After the final session I went to the car, and was listening to L.A. Control Tower. One airliner---I think it was Western, or maybe PSA, the pilot said to the Controller, "Hey, what's happening at the Race Track today, there's a whole lot of cars there and a lot of people in the stadium." At which the Tower Controller said, "Well, maybe they are showing a movie or something." Classic!Best Regards, Everyone.----Titch.
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Well, no, I didn't. Back in elementary school, I talked to the School Principal, and explained to him the stand that my religion had, towards reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem. And, he told me, basically, don't worry about it, you don't have to say the Pledge or stand for the National Anthem. When I got into junior high school, I had a Science class teacher for my First Period class; he questioned me about it when he observed me not saying the Pledge, and I told him about the religious belief that I had at that time. After that, it was not a problem.
Now, fast forward to high school. In my Junior Year, I had a U.S. History class, as most students had when they were in their Junior Year. One day, it was quite surprising, that my teacher showed a movie, called "And Justice For the Majority ." That movie was about the legal battles that Jehovah's Witnesses fought, during and after World War II, concerning the Pledge and the National Anthem. He said that the purpose of showing that movie to all of us kids in the class was to show that our country, the United States, had people in it who had different opinions regarding the Pledge and the National Anthem. And, that we should respect the different opinions of people. Now, he also explained that he, as a teacher, preferred to NOT have the ritual of the Pledge every morning, and the only reason he recited it was to avoid having any "problems" or issues with any parents of his students. Best Regards, Everyone.-----Titch.
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Beautiful photos
by LoveUniHateExams inso, i thought i'd start a thread about any beautiful photos of places you've been to, or just beautiful photos.. i'll go first .... .
copyright: daniel burton.. this is bøur, a little village in the faeroe islands, population 74.. i've never been there but i'd love to visit one day.