I was at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. And, Zoos, who knows, our paths could have crossed at some time while there.
Posts by titch
1973 "Divine Victory" International Assemblies
by Bungi Bill inhow many here attended the "divine victory" international assembly that was held 12- 16 december in christchurch, new zealand?.
the venue was lancaster park.
if the truth be known, that stadium was probably a casualty of the february 2011 earthquake?.
Yep, I've read about that elsewhere. It reminds me of what a local TV station in the Southern California area reported on a few years ago. Apparently, a stupid prank that local junior-high or middle school boys were doing to other boys. They would come up, unexpectly, to another boy, and punch him---hard---in the gonads. And, all the while fiilming it for putting on YouTube later on, the kid , the victim of the stupid prank,would double over in pain on the ground. That prank went too far in one instance---a kid had to have one testicle removed, so much damage was done. So, local medical professionals were urging, pleading with kids to put a stop to this dumb, asinine prank. Not good, not good...
WTS overboard w/suggested presentation
by doinmypart inthe nov 2013 km contains an article that is ridiculous in its level of minutae.. they focus on the word "because".
they tell jws to use the word "because" when explaining why they're at the homeowner's door.
writing department, you wrote an article on the use of the word "because"?
"I am here because I'm trying to earn a few more 'brownie points' with God."
Amazing Video - The Little Blue Dot
by Fading Begins inhttp://truthseekerdaily.com/2013/11/the-single-most-mind-altering-photograph-humanity-has-ever-taken/.
i hope this comes up - if not you can copy and paste.
very humbling and eye-opening to see ourselves in this perspective - how arrogant, self-righteous and oblivious we are as a species.
Yes, indeed, the "Pale Blue Dot." It puts thins into perspective, doesn't it? I mean, before you begin thinking that your own polictical, or economic , or religious system is so superior to others, watch that video, and think about the words of Carl Sagan, that are in that video. We are, after all is taken into cvonsideration, such a small, insignificant planet in the vast blackness of the Universe/Cosmos. Best Regards, eveyone
How men become homosexuals...
by Calebs Airplane infinally, i've found the reason why some men become homosexuals.. the 1976 book "your youth: getting the best of it" explains it here in great detail.... .
Interesting that that same book never touched on the subject of why Lesbians become Lesbians.
Could this be an evidence that God exists
by His Excellency inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3qezbvn1be.
Well, no, not really. I've seen a few TV interviews with him in the past. And, I DO respect his tenacity in life, and his ability to enjoy it despite his unfortunate disabilities But, the only thing that it does for me is to confirm my belief that one's life, one's existence,on this planet, is all just one big "crap shoot" a huge "roll of the dice". Nothing more, nothing less. Best Regards to one and all. And, Happy Festivus Season.
What is your story?
by mrhhome inso what is your story?
who did you leave behind?.
we got some this in a previous thread, but i am always interested in hearing more about you all.. .
My story is fairly simple. Born-in, but started the "fade" in the late 80s. This came about as a result of coming to the full, complete realization that I simply had no "spritual hunger", no "spiritual needs, no spiritual cravings, or yearnings", that needed to be satiated by ANY kind of religious belief system. And, I do mean ANY kind. After fading and leaving, I didn't search for spiritual enlightenment in any kind of religioius belief system. I guess that I didn't inherit the so-called "God gene" that some scientists think that some people have. Oh, well, it happens. Best Regards, everyone.
How Many Here Are On Facebook & How Often Do You Frequent The Site?
by minimus ini'm on it every couple of days and it's usually to see pics of my grandkids or to get the 411 onwhat's going on..
Yep, I am. I check it once per day.
Whats the "current light" on standing vs sitting during the national anthem?
by BU2B inthis is something that seems to be conterversial in dubbieland.
i have always seen jws stand when at sporting events, but i have heard conversations in which the dubs said they would either linger in the hallways until it was over, or else sit down during it.
most of the time when there is such discrepancy between jws it means the light has been flicked on and off so often it leaves them dazed and confused.
Ahhhh, yes, the "national anthem" issue. Before I ask a question, I'll preface with these comments. Personally, I faded out of the borg in the late 1980s. And, I personally no longer believe that there is ANY kind of "deity" that is deeply, profoundly offended at humans standing for a "national anthem" or reciiting a "pledge of allegiance." So, peronally, whenever I go to a professional sports event, or a sports event at a school, I do usually stand when the natioinal anthem is being played. However, I do NOT recite the pledge, anywhere, at ANY event. I profoundly and conscientiously disagree with EVERY statement that is expressed in the "Pledge of Allegiance." (Especially the part about the United States being "one nation under God." ) Now, having stated that, I have a question: What, exactly, does the playing of a national anthem DO? What does it ACCOMPLISH? Does it make the players any better at their chosen game? Does it make the "fans"---the spectators---better people? Does if make the game transpire better, and more smoothly? What does it do? The older and older that I get with each passing year, I have started to see how silly and assinine that the playing of a so-called "national anthem"---at any sports event---in ANY country really is. Personally, the playing of a "national anthem" doesn't do ANYTHING for me. Nothing. Would anyone like to clarify this matter? Thanks...
What Assembly were you baptized at...
by vilot ini was baptized at the 1976 "sacret secret" dc at inglewood ca there must have been 50,000 people there..
At a Circuit Assembly in Costa Mesa, CA, in 1968. Orange County Fairgrounds. Well, actually, the "dunking" was at a private residence nearby. It wasn't on the Fairgrounds premises...