Hoser: OMG! That's Brazen conduct...Brazen conduct! Thanks for sharing.
i showed up for saturday morning field service and i was partnered with an elder who had transferred to our congregation in the dallas, texas area from michigan.
i told him about a recent embarrassing moment where i had played a "worldly" song during the sunday meeting due to someone replacing the cassette i had placed in the cassette player late friday night that had the correct "kingdom melody.".
out of the blue he said "about 4 years ago i was giving the sunday talk and i kept sporting a boner from time to time which was bizarre since being horny and teaching about jehovah is typically not something one associates with one another.".
Hoser: OMG! That's Brazen conduct...Brazen conduct! Thanks for sharing.
there were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
there were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
Funchback: That's funny. What word should you have used...tit? teet? breast? milk-producing gland? Hmmmmm.
there were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
I don't know if this would be considered "counsel" as much as it was just "admonishment." This happened way back in 1970, 45 years ago. About that time, my Mom, who WAS a Witness for many years, up until her death, told me that I would look nice with neatly-trimmed longer sideburns. She didn't say that I should grow them to "mutton-chop" length, just down to the bottom of my ear lobes, and keep them trimmed to that length. So, that's what I did. (She had seen a Circuit Overseer, who she had known for many years, grow his sideburns to that length---so that's why she suggested that to me) Fast forward to a District Assembly, in the Summer of 1970. I was helping out in the Expediting Department at that assembly, and working with another "Brother", who was a Pioneer. He took me aside one day, and said, "you should shave off those sideburns, brother." So,I turned to him, and told him that my own mother, who was a Witness, had encouraged me to do that, after seeing a C.O. sporting longer sideburns, too. That ended the conversation.
Now, this involves not me, but a sister that I once knew, and it was around 1973. She and her family had opened their house to the weekly Book Study. Now, about that time, a lot of Witness women, and a lot of women, in general, were wearing their dresses---not short---but LONG. Like down to their ankles. And that's how she dressed during a Book Study. Shocking, shocking! An elder took her aside one day, and counseled her on wearing a dress, that was WAY TOO LONG!!! (In his opinion) I kid you not. Now, that length of dress was the length that would have been seen, and considered appropriate, for a woman that lived in 1800s! But, to wear a dress that long in the 1970s??? Shocking! So, back then, I got to wondering, what length SHOULD a Witness female wear their dress? Oh, well, life went on. Best Regards, Folks.
check out this kingdom hall right in a church complex!!
google map!
In the City of Rancho Santa Margarita, in California, there is Kingdom Hall. And, it's located on a street called "Via Con Dios". The KH is situated around other so-called churches of Christendom. Maybe when the city was incorporated, the "city fathers" wanted all of the local churches, including the Kingdom Hall, located on one roadway, the roadway named Via Con Dios. I don't know if it was planned that way, or not. But, that's where all of the churches, or places of worship are located, in that city. Best Regards, all!
i have always said that if a god showed itself i would follow the evidence and renounce my atheism.
i have now seen enough to start believing again, i am so happy, i feel a inner contentment, when he connected with me i really knew it was him.
if you are not a believer you will not understand this, but trust me, look at the evidence, open your heart to him, let him in and your life will change for the better.
But...but...but...Where does this leave the IPU, the Invisible Pink Unicorn, in the Big Picture? OH, this is making my head spin...someone please help me here!
just out of curiosity, if you are in the united states, did any one of you attend a 4th of july parade today, where you live?
i attended the huntington beach fourth of july parade.
i've been attending that parade since about 1993. it's always fun to photograph the different celebrities who are in the parade.
Perhaps I should clarify...HUntington Beach is in Orange County, Southern California. Just in case you don't know---or even care, where it is located! Bye!
just out of curiosity, if you are in the united states, did any one of you attend a 4th of july parade today, where you live?
i attended the huntington beach fourth of july parade.
i've been attending that parade since about 1993. it's always fun to photograph the different celebrities who are in the parade.
Just out of curiosity, if you are in the United States, did any one of you attend a 4th of July parade today, where you live? I did. I attended the Huntington Beach Fourth of July Parade. I've been attending that parade since about 1993. It's always fun to photograph the different celebrities who are in the parade. I've done that many times over the years that I have attended the parade. And, no, I've never waved the U.S. flag around when I've been at the parade. My interest is only to photograph any and all well-known celebrities who have been in the parade. (And local political personalities, if they are in the parade, too) So, did any of you U.S. residents get to a local 4th of July parade, where you live? Just wondering. Best Regards.
there are literally about thirty young single very good looking sisters in this one kingdom hall under the age of 30. that is just one kingdom hall.
in the circuit there are literally hundreds of young beautiful jw girls under 30 who are single and anxious to get married.
about two years ago, this one single good looking brother who is about 30 years old and who is an elder married this plain looking sister who is 59 years old.
If I might add my "two cents" here. If that's who he is attracted to, emotionally, physically, etc. then that's who he is attracted to. If his orientation is to an older female, then that's what his orientation is. Who are we to judge? Best Regards, everyone.
greetings, folks: so, it's been 40 years since 1975. and, if you were actively involved with the witnesses back then, the mindset of many was, that by early autumn of 1975, it would mark the anniversary of 6000 years of human existence.
and, the hope was then, that it would mark the start of the 1000-year of christ, from the heavenly realm.
but, looking back now, 40 years ago, in june of 1975, only 3 more months remained until early autumn.
Thank you very much, wheelwithinwheel, for your contribution to the thread. That video was interesting. Best Regards.