So, I guess that I SHOULD mention, that the Internet really had no effect upon me, as to why I left it. 1988 was quite some time before the advent of the popularity of the Internet, and its many sites.
hi people,.
i want as much data as possible on the effect of the internet on the time captured by the cult.. please answer the three following questions about yourself or about someone you know (for example, if your parents or grandparents were jw's and left).
1) were you raised as a jw, or did you convert?.
So, I guess that I SHOULD mention, that the Internet really had no effect upon me, as to why I left it. 1988 was quite some time before the advent of the popularity of the Internet, and its many sites.
hi people,.
i want as much data as possible on the effect of the internet on the time captured by the cult.. please answer the three following questions about yourself or about someone you know (for example, if your parents or grandparents were jw's and left).
1) were you raised as a jw, or did you convert?.
Hello, ILoveTTATT2:
1) Raised in
2) 1968
3) 1988
Total years in it, about 20 years.
a hilarious stupid wa message is being circulated amongst jws in my area / country.. i had a hearty laugh at the ignorance and stupidity and brainwashed mentality, different people may express different emotions so you have been warned.
day one after armageddon it seems ages since we last heard the gunshots and screams, today has been really quiet.
the last few weeks have been sheer terror.
Hmmmmm....The scenario is vaguely reminiscent of the scenes from the 1994 Stephen King mini-series, "The Stand"---what happened after the "super-flu" got out of the laboratory, and only a few lucky ones were immune to the super-flu. Anyone remember that TV mini-series?
what is a cult and what is a religion?
its open to debate.
who has the authority to say for certain what is a cult and what is a religion?
To begin with, I'll admit that I HAVE NOT read through ALL 21 pages of responses to this thread. However, if you look up the word "cult" in a dictionary---any good, reputable dictionary---the definition of the word "cult' is,basically---a religion. Just that---a religion. It doesn't use any modifying verbs, such as a "bogus" religion, a "phony" religion. Just a religion. Period. That's all. And, if you look at the word further, it says that it comes from the original Latin word "cultus", which means, "to till". That's right, to till, like using an implement of some kind to till the soil. (In other words, "improving" the soil, to get it ready for planting crops in it.) And from the word "cultus" you get the word "cultivate" and "culture". I remember, back in elementary school, when we had to write reports on different countries, we had to describe the country's "customs and cultures". (In other words, its refinements and improvements) So, if you look at the basic meaning of the word "cult", you can say that ANY religion is a cult. Now, am I defending the belief system, the belief structure of the Witnesses? No, not at all. I'm just saying, Look up the word in a dictionary. It is STILL a high-control religion. Very much so. Now, I don't know if anyone else touched upon that, but, as I mentioned, I have not read through all the pages of the thread's responses. Just my thoughts, Folks.. Best Regards, all!
i'm noticing that when i open quite a few of the posts here i notice that the end of the sentences on some lines are breaking improperly.
like for the word paragraph, it's broken up with the "aph" on the next line for an example.
it's happening a lot i'm seeing it just about in every post i open, is it just my view and my computer?.
The strange phenomenon has been happening to me, and I use Mozilla Firefox. But, my brain just adapts to the situation, and puts the words together. Oh, well. I suppose there are "bigger things" to be annoyed at, aren't there? Best Regards, all
Interesting thing happened, for me, this evening on Facebook. One of my nieces, who is still very much "in" the borg, posted on her timeline, about the changes, as announced at the Annual Meeting. (And, viewed on television) Of course, I had read the numerous threads about this here on JWC all last week. Now, my niece has absolutely no idea that I read this site, and have been for the past 11 years. I was almost tempted to comment to her, "Yep, I heard about this, from anonymous, undisclosed sources, recently." But, if I did that, she'd begin to wonder, I wonder where he heard about it? What are his anonymous sources? So, I just left it alone. Best Regards, all!
i showed up for saturday morning field service and i was partnered with an elder who had transferred to our congregation in the dallas, texas area from michigan.
i told him about a recent embarrassing moment where i had played a "worldly" song during the sunday meeting due to someone replacing the cassette i had placed in the cassette player late friday night that had the correct "kingdom melody.".
out of the blue he said "about 4 years ago i was giving the sunday talk and i kept sporting a boner from time to time which was bizarre since being horny and teaching about jehovah is typically not something one associates with one another.".
Hoser: OMG! That's Brazen conduct...Brazen conduct! Thanks for sharing.
there were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
there were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
Funchback: That's funny. What word should you have used...tit? teet? breast? milk-producing gland? Hmmmmm.