To me, the word "god" is just that. A word. It is a word, in the English language, that takes the place of, or represents, basically, a concept, an idea, in one's own mind. "God" is whatever YOU think that he, or she, or it, is. Nothing more, nothing less.
Here's an experiment to try. I remember, back in my 4th Grade year, our teacher told the class about something that she, and some of her college room-mates did one time. She took a piece of blank paper, or maybe two or three. And, she put down the word "white" on those papers, 500 times. She said that after about the 200th time of writing down the word "white" that the word---white---failed to have any meaning, in her mind. So, try that---get some papers, and write down the word "god" (Or, God", or GOD, however you want to write it) 500 times. Probably after the 200th, or maybe the 300th time writing the word "god", it'll no doubt fail to have any meaning, in your conscious mind. So, perhaps that's a lesson. Maybe it's best to NOT write the word "God" on a piece of paper too many times! It mind "numb" your mind to the word. Perhaps. Bye, and Best Regards to all