Greetings, Everyone: This thread reminds me of a similar thread on this forum, several years ago, about a book written by one William (Billy) Coburn. It is entitled "The Spanking Room." I bought it through, and it is an interesting read. It is about Mr. Coburn's experiences of being raised by a JW mother. (His father never got into the JW belief system) But, yeah, in this book, he details the "spanking room" that seemed to exist in EVERY Kingdom Hall, put there for the main purpose of spanking, and disciplining wayward children at the meetings. The slightest "infractions" of rules were to be dealt with by removing the "errant" child to the "spanking room."
I must say, though, that I had a JW mother---and she passed away over 38 yeas ago, as an adherent to the JW religion---who was a "champion" for children's rights, and did not tolerate what she saw as child abuse from "fanatic" parents. Many times she would "take to task" persons who she saw perpetrating unjust corporal punishment to little ones. I gotta hand it to her for that! Well, Best Regards, Everyone.