Mr. Minimus: You bring up an interesting subject. As far as donating blood, I know that with myself, I would be rejected as a donor. The reason why? Well, about 10 years ago, I worked for two weeks as a temporary clerk at local hospital here in SoCal, and my main duty was to work in the "volunteers department." I had to make telephone calls to persons who had in the past, been blood donors, and find out if they wanted to continue as a blood donor, at that hospital. One thing I learned from that was some people COULD NOT donate blood any more, because they were taking medication for some kind of personal medical condition, or, "malady". The hospital did not want people who were on any kind of medication, as a blood donor. Which is my situation too. All of those medications that you take, are in YOUR own blood stream, and if you donate blood, they will eventually get into someone else's bloodstream too; and you don't know what kind of reaction they will have as a result of "receiving" those meds into their blood system. Personally, I take medication to control hypertension, a heart medication, a medication to control cholesterol levels. So, I wouldn't be qualified to donate blood, because of the medications that I take.
Now, as far as receiving blood---If I was facing a procedure, I would want to store MY OWN BLOOD prior to the operation, and have my own blood put back into me, if it was needed. I feel VERY squeemish about having blood from another human being floating around inside of me. I just do. Oh, well, that's just me. Best Regards, everyone.