To begin with, I'll admit that I HAVE NOT read through ALL 21 pages of responses to this thread. However, if you look up the word "cult" in a dictionary---any good, reputable dictionary---the definition of the word "cult' is,basically---a religion. Just that---a religion. It doesn't use any modifying verbs, such as a "bogus" religion, a "phony" religion. Just a religion. Period. That's all. And, if you look at the word further, it says that it comes from the original Latin word "cultus", which means, "to till". That's right, to till, like using an implement of some kind to till the soil. (In other words, "improving" the soil, to get it ready for planting crops in it.) And from the word "cultus" you get the word "cultivate" and "culture". I remember, back in elementary school, when we had to write reports on different countries, we had to describe the country's "customs and cultures". (In other words, its refinements and improvements) So, if you look at the basic meaning of the word "cult", you can say that ANY religion is a cult. Now, am I defending the belief system, the belief structure of the Witnesses? No, not at all. I'm just saying, Look up the word in a dictionary. It is STILL a high-control religion. Very much so. Now, I don't know if anyone else touched upon that, but, as I mentioned, I have not read through all the pages of the thread's responses. Just my thoughts, Folks.. Best Regards, all!