With me, I tend to be an agnostic. And, I came to that status, when I realized, around the late 1980s, that I simply had NO "spiritual hunger." I have no spiritual craving, no spiritual "appetite" that needs to be satisfied, or satiated, by any kind of religious or spiritual belief system or belief structure. I don't. It's just not there. What I mean is, Maybe there is a "god", maybe there isn't. To that, I say, Who knows and who really cares? A few years ago, I read an article in Time Magazine, about the so-called "God gene." Supposedly, many people---not all, but many---are born with some kind of gene that makes them want to "worship" or draw close to some "deity"---whatever deity that might be. I think that somehow, I missed getting the "God gene." That has happened to probably millions of persons. They were born without the "God gene."
But, for all that I know, I could be a "pantheist". From what I have read, pantheism is the belief that the whole, entire, known physical Universe, collectively, is "God." But, I have no desire to "worship" the Universe. It just exists. It is awesome, when you stop to think about it, but it simply exists.