Posts by titch
I have found that I can't "sign out" of the Website, until I do a "Delete Browsing History" on my computer. But, I use Mozilla Firefox. so that may have something to do with it; I don't know. -
What Are Your "Senior Moments" Like?
by compound complex indear friends:.
i imagine by now we old timers have adjusted to the fact that we are getting older and, one day, will make our exit.
are your "senior moments" ever a cause for worry to you?
Of course, Compound Complex, you do realize, that the replies from various people so far, if you were to relate them to JWs, it would be further "ammunition", in their mind, for stating that it is the reason why a "New System" is so very much needed. In the "New System" people won't be having ANY "Senior Moments". The human mind will be "brought back to perfection." No aging, no "Seniors" Ah, yes, what to do, what to do? But, yes, I do relate to the predicament of "senior moments." Best Regards, all! ,
Regarding That "Tag-Line" of The X-Files
by titch ini don't know if any thread has already been posted regarding this or not.
(if it has, then just disregard this posting!
) but, i thought about something with regards to the new, 6-episode stint of the famous show on fox, the x-files.
I don't know if any thread has already been posted regarding this or not. Perhaps it has, maybe it hasn't. (If it has, then just disregard this posting!) But, I thought about something with regards to the new, 6-episode stint of the famous show on Fox, The X-Files. Its well-known "tag-line" was, and shall ever remain, "The Truth Is Out There". So, how about, for us, "TTATT Is STILL Out There." As I stated, if a post about this has already been started, then just obliterate this from your collective memory. Thanks for reading. Best Regards, all!
A philosophical question .... what does the word God mean to you personally ?
by Finkelstein into myself it means to seek knowledge and understanding of are selves and the world in which we live.. unfortunately history has shown whenever one tries to connect to god and of his knowledge through men who say they themselves are connected to god through spiritual wifi ie.
gb members of the jehovah's witnesses for example, one usually ends up finding a accumulation of only man's acquired knowledge.
over thousands of years of trying to connect to a god(s) for help and answers, mankind has eventually relinquished himself to seeking answers through scientific investigative acquired knowledge of the world in which we live in.
To me, the word "god" is just that. A word. It is a word, in the English language, that takes the place of, or represents, basically, a concept, an idea, in one's own mind. "God" is whatever YOU think that he, or she, or it, is. Nothing more, nothing less.
Here's an experiment to try. I remember, back in my 4th Grade year, our teacher told the class about something that she, and some of her college room-mates did one time. She took a piece of blank paper, or maybe two or three. And, she put down the word "white" on those papers, 500 times. She said that after about the 200th time of writing down the word "white" that the word---white---failed to have any meaning, in her mind. So, try that---get some papers, and write down the word "god" (Or, God", or GOD, however you want to write it) 500 times. Probably after the 200th, or maybe the 300th time writing the word "god", it'll no doubt fail to have any meaning, in your conscious mind. So, perhaps that's a lesson. Maybe it's best to NOT write the word "God" on a piece of paper too many times! It mind "numb" your mind to the word. Perhaps. Bye, and Best Regards to all
What Should the Minimum Wage Be (USA)?
by Village Idiot induring the gop debates donald trump said that american’s “wages [are] too high” and later said “that having a low minimum wage is not a bad thing for this country” (7:25)..
do you agree and if so why?.
my two cents on this issue; do the math.
When people like Donald Trump make a statement like that, that having a low minimum wage is not a bad thing for the country, it makes me wonder, Just how LOW should the minimum wage be, in their minds, in order to please them, in order to make them happy? What should it be, Mr. Trump, 1.00 per hour? 50 cents per hour? Hey, how about 25 cents per hour? Yeah, that might please them "big time"! But, hey, with wages as low as that, you would certainly please the CEO, the upper management people, the share-holders, right? Yeah, can't forget about them now. They have to have their bonuses and big dividends. Best Regards, all!
What made you turn atheist or agnostic?
by LevelThePlayingField inif you were a jw and are now an atheist or agnostic, what was the tipping point that made you turn to it?.
the reason i ask is i have noticed that many who leave the jw's seem to turn to atheism, versus still having some form of a faith.
have many of you given up on god first or have you had atheistic views first and then found atheism to be true.
With me, I tend to be an agnostic. And, I came to that status, when I realized, around the late 1980s, that I simply had NO "spiritual hunger." I have no spiritual craving, no spiritual "appetite" that needs to be satisfied, or satiated, by any kind of religious or spiritual belief system or belief structure. I don't. It's just not there. What I mean is, Maybe there is a "god", maybe there isn't. To that, I say, Who knows and who really cares? A few years ago, I read an article in Time Magazine, about the so-called "God gene." Supposedly, many people---not all, but many---are born with some kind of gene that makes them want to "worship" or draw close to some "deity"---whatever deity that might be. I think that somehow, I missed getting the "God gene." That has happened to probably millions of persons. They were born without the "God gene."
But, for all that I know, I could be a "pantheist". From what I have read, pantheism is the belief that the whole, entire, known physical Universe, collectively, is "God." But, I have no desire to "worship" the Universe. It just exists. It is awesome, when you stop to think about it, but it simply exists.
Is zeal beginning to vanish?
by Caupon init has to be starting to fade somehow.
the very last time i went out in field service, hardly any were out.
maybe just about nine people were out and man if you could just see their faces.
I think that you could replace the word "zeal", with the words "enthusiasm", "excitement", and "passion". -
Survey: How long were you in the cult vs what year you were baptized
by ILoveTTATT2 inhi people,.
i want as much data as possible on the effect of the internet on the time captured by the cult.. please answer the three following questions about yourself or about someone you know (for example, if your parents or grandparents were jw's and left).
1) were you raised as a jw, or did you convert?.
So, I guess that I SHOULD mention, that the Internet really had no effect upon me, as to why I left it. 1988 was quite some time before the advent of the popularity of the Internet, and its many sites.
Survey: How long were you in the cult vs what year you were baptized
by ILoveTTATT2 inhi people,.
i want as much data as possible on the effect of the internet on the time captured by the cult.. please answer the three following questions about yourself or about someone you know (for example, if your parents or grandparents were jw's and left).
1) were you raised as a jw, or did you convert?.
Hello, ILoveTTATT2:
1) Raised in
2) 1968
3) 1988
Total years in it, about 20 years.
Hilarious Whatsapp message received - FIRST day after Big D
by cognitivedizzy ina hilarious stupid wa message is being circulated amongst jws in my area / country.. i had a hearty laugh at the ignorance and stupidity and brainwashed mentality, different people may express different emotions so you have been warned.
day one after armageddon it seems ages since we last heard the gunshots and screams, today has been really quiet.
the last few weeks have been sheer terror.
Hmmmmm....The scenario is vaguely reminiscent of the scenes from the 1994 Stephen King mini-series, "The Stand"---what happened after the "super-flu" got out of the laboratory, and only a few lucky ones were immune to the super-flu. Anyone remember that TV mini-series?