Well, I'd like to weigh on this, with a scenario that I observed at a---well, I'll mention the name of the fast food chain---Karl's Junior----here in California. This goes back some time, maybe 10 years or so. I was at the Karl's, and a young gentleman at a nearby table was near me, waiting for his order to be brought to him. When it was brought to his table, he proceeded to offer a "pre-eating" prayer. Now, I don't know WHAT religion he professed; Christianity, Judaism, pastafarianism---I do not know. But, it started me thinking....WHY is he praying to some deity for his food that was just brought to his table? And WHAT was he praying and thanking the deity for? The food, itself? What about the tray that it was resting upon? He had a beverage in a paper cup. What about the cup, and the drinking straw that he was using? Was he also thanking god for the paper wrapping that wrapped whatever sandwich that he was about to eat? Why didn't he just thank the cooking staff at that Karl's that had PREPARED the food for him? What about the person who brought the tray to him? What about thanking the Karl's Jr. food chain for being there? I mean, Did some deity just "magically", miraculously make the food appear on that table top? I wondered, What, exactly was he offering up a thankful prayer for? Those are the questions that went through my mind. Best Regards, all