Well, nothing....Absolutely nothing in the way of celebrating. The date, June 19th, or, Juneteenth means nothing to me. Best Regards, Everyone...
are you ready to celebrate??
it’s such a big holiday that the local electric company will be closed in order to celebrate.
only emergencies will be dealt with on that day.. what are you doing for the holiday?.
Well, nothing....Absolutely nothing in the way of celebrating. The date, June 19th, or, Juneteenth means nothing to me. Best Regards, Everyone...
as usual there's a lot of serious shizzle being discussed on here .
i can only cope with so much serious , so here's something that's really not .
as some of you know l am getting married soon and organising the evening bash .
Since Smiddy3 mentioned the Bee Gees, how about this one from the Bee Gees: "You Should Be Dancing". That might work.
Here's one for thought, and I kid you not: It's called "Niki Nana", performed by Yanni, during many of his concerts. (Niki Nana translates to "We Are One.") I've seen many videos of his concerts, during which that piece is played, and, I gotta tell ya, if that doesn't make a person want to get up out of their seat and onto the dance floor, I don't know what will. Best Regards...
One thing that I might mention here is that whatever a person does as far as work---employment---for the purpose of earning money. Don't ever base your self-worth or self-image as a human being upon what you might happen to do for earning that money. Jobs can---and will---come and go throughout one's lifetime. So, don't become TOO attached to any one career or job. Just my thoughts---
Iamallcool: If you are asking, What do I do as a means to earn money, well, now, just like you, I am not in the work force, the work world. Being that I am in my mid-60s, I am what is called "semi-retired." About 4 years ago I decided to take early-retirement Social Security benefits. I also receive a couple of small pensions from some companies that I once worked for. And, I receive some money from a person who rents a spare room in my residence.
Buuuuuut-----for most of my working years, I was involved in clerical, general office, administrative work. I have done other things---from working for a fellow JW in his small janitorial service, to working as a delivery driver. But, in my clerical/office work I have been a Mail Room Clerk, a Data-Entry Clerk, a Document Control Clerk, an Envelope Sorting Clerk...all kinds of things. Even an Office Receptionist!
Now, eventually, I might have to return to the work force to supplement my Social Security benefits. But, I DO NOT want to get back into full-time employment, only part-time employment. I have done ENOUGH full-time employment in my working years to realize that it is no longer fun and enjoyable. At least, not for me, it isn't.
Best Regards, All...Titch.
i recently found this image of jesus, with a caption, a reminder of past stupidity in believing that kind, loving jesus, would (on behalf of old yhwy) look after me when he 99% of the people on this earth.. .
in case you're wondering i found it on a pinterest page.. proverbs 8, of course.
personifies wisdom - and the passages are controversial and the subject of some academic analysis (e.g.
Folks: I DO realize, that in the "animal kingdom", the animal world, all animals act by "instinct", and their whole role is to eat, sleep, poop, and have sex and reproduce. They don't have a conscience, or think or reason on matters. So, that's "Intelligent Design" for ya. But, then again...There are many human beings, past and present who don't have a conscience. Best Regards, Everyone.
i recently found this image of jesus, with a caption, a reminder of past stupidity in believing that kind, loving jesus, would (on behalf of old yhwy) look after me when he 99% of the people on this earth.. .
in case you're wondering i found it on a pinterest page.. proverbs 8, of course.
personifies wisdom - and the passages are controversial and the subject of some academic analysis (e.g.
That video of the Komodo dragons had me wondering? Who was doing the videoing of that incident, and how did they get so close without being attacked also? Just wondering about that.
Anyway, viewing that, it further underscores in my mind the fact that surviving in the "animal kingdom" is gross, disgusting and despicable. I mean, animals that are carnivorous don't even kill the victim first, and drag it off to their abode, cut it up into fine pieces, start a fire, roast it, pour barbecue sauce on it, and then consume it, taking the time to enjoy the flavor of their meal. Noooooo, they eat it raw, right there, while the other animal that is being eaten is still living, to some extent. And, they just "gulp it down" without taking the time to enjoy the meal. Gross, disgusting. And, some would say that that is all god's master plan for animals to survive. Nice plan, eh? Best Regards, All...
active believer...still attend meetings, go out in field service, believe it's ''the truth''.
active non-believer... go to meetings and field service to please family... living a double life .
inactive believer...don't attend meetings but believe it's the truth, one day might go back to kingdom hall.
For me, it is Choice Number 4. Since 1988, when I came to the full, complete realization that I, as a human being, have NO spiritual hunger, no spiritual cravings, that need to be satiated or satisfied by ANY religious belief structure.
while we are talking about economic stimulus i thought i’d bring up the $15 minimum wage.
pros and cons?.
Well, how about this idea: As Hoser stated, abolish the income tax, and I say, institute a national Sales Tax. A Sales Tax on both goods and services. When you stop to think about it, everyone has to buy or purchase things, whether they be goods, products, or some kind of services. And, the Sales Taxes should be on both the Federal & State level.
And, I have no objection to placing a maximum wage on earnings. Let's say, how about 5 millions dollars, and that's it. That should be the maximum amount that a person would be allowed to be paid.
do you think there will be another round of stimulus checks?
I would welcome any 4th stimulus check. As a person who is 67 years old, and a person who HAS been in the work force---the work world---since 18 years of age, and who is/was burned out from the work world years ago---I will gladly welcome ANY stimulus money from any government level. Whether it be from the Federal Government, the State Government, the City Government, whatever. Let it come! I welcome it. Best Regards...
we are encouraged to all, if possible, get the vaccinations.
if you don’t, we are told that we definitely could get the virus.
fair enough.. but what happens if you decide you aren’t going to get the shots?
Well, coming from a person who has HAD both dosages---and am feeling just fine---I will say that I CHOSE to get the vaccinations, because of the POSSIBILITY of contracting the disease if I didn't get the vaccinations. You see, Folks, I am an Oldie, and Old-Ager, an Old-Timer, a Senior Citizen. And, about 7 years ago I went through the experience of having CHF, or congestive heart failure, for which I was in a local hospital of about 10 days. So, knowing that COVID-19 CAN have detrimental effects on persons of may age with a prior cardiovascular condition, I chose to get the vaccination. Now, sure, I know that there is NO guarantee that the vaccination will prevent me from contracting the malady. But, still, I wanted to stay on the "safe side." It's the same reason that I choose to get a flu vaccination each year, due to my age, and what the flu can do to persons of my age. This explains things from my perspective. Best Regards...