Well, no, I do not really love it or am I proud of it. To begin, I AM a U.S. Citizen, having been born in a city in Southern California in 1954. But I am ambivalent, no, apathetic, towards the United States of America. To me, the U.S.A. just happens to be a geographic location on Planet Earth that I was born inside the boundaries of, by complete accident of birth. I did not "exist" in some "spirit world" before being born, and ask to be sent to Earth, and ask to be placed in the United States of America, when born. It all happened by complete accident, or chance. That's all. Perhaps this has come about as a result of having "anhedonia." Or, "jaded." Or, both. Maybe, I don't know. . But, having stated that, I'll still say.... Best Regards to all...