Disillusioned: Thank you for your comments and clarification. They are very much appreciated. Best Regards, Everyone.
i just watched excerpts from his cnn town hall event and something is seriously wrong with him.
he can’t put together a sentence without getting lost, tripping on his own words, forgetting what he is talking about.……this is embarrassing.
and it’s not because he has a stutter!
Disillusioned: Thank you for your comments and clarification. They are very much appreciated. Best Regards, Everyone.
my mom studied with me in the paradise book before i went to kindergarten.
i remember the book vividly.
it creeped me out as a kid.
Yep, the "Paradise" book for me, and my brother. What fun. I wish I still had a copy of that book around here someplace, but, I don't. Oh, well.
i hate anyone bothering me going door to door and house to house.
maybe it’s my jw background?
i dunno..
Min, I do realize that it is a person's own business if they got the shot, and that was my business to receive it. But, I DO NOT mind if someone from the "Gov'ment" comes around to my residence to inquire if I have received it. After all, they are only trying to help people, aren't they......? Sure they are....How could a person think otherwise?
i hate anyone bothering me going door to door and house to house.
maybe it’s my jw background?
i dunno..
Minimus: Well, it wouldn't bother me...it really wouldn't. I can just tell them that I HAVE gotten the vaccination, and show them the card that I got, as proof of the vaccination. Or, if they come knocking or ringing the doorbell, I can always just refuse to respond. You know, the doorbell is not some kind of "god" that MUST be appeased by responding to it. It really isn't. But, as stated, if I do respond to someone from the Government coming to my door, I can just show them my proof of the vaccination. No problem. Best Regards...Titch.
ok, i would like to submit to the forum the following question: in abstract, do you think that there is a right to not being exposed to ideas that you don’t like or disagree with?
please think it through and its implications on both ends of the spectrum.. it’s not the right to conscientious objection to do something you vehemently disagree with; it’s not about the liberty to chose which ideas you want to embrace or advocate.
it’s something different.. given that, as exjws, we understand the importance of being exposed to different opinions in order to form our own opinion, should someone claim the right not to be exposed to opinions or ideas that they don’t like?
Well, EdenOne, you bring out some interesting ideas in this post. (As well as do folks who have responded) Another example that I'd like to mention here is the issue of the members of the Westboro Baptist Church, here in the United States which was started by its pastor, Fred Phelps, who is now deceased. You might remember, that is the group that enjoyed coming to funerals, of either soldiers who had passed on, or more notoriously, at the funeral of Matthew Shepard, who was a young gay man. The Westboro Baptist Church folks would show up with their posters and signs, expressing the idea that "God Hates Fags", or "Thank God for Dead Soldiers." Now, then, if I had been there, would I have had the he RIGHT to NOT be exposed to their belief system, as presented by their protest signs? Well, no. I certainly don't like their ideas, but I have the choice to just ignore their message, as presented by their protest signs. Now, if I had been there, and I knew that the W.B.C. folks were going to be there with their protest signs, I would have exposed them to MY own signs. Signs that would have said..."There Is No God Who Hates ANYONE." "God Is Imaginary." "God Is The Figment of Human Imagination---Deal With It!". Would they have had the right to NOT be exposed to my own belief system? No. They could just choose to ignore my own signs. It would work both ways. Thanks for reading......Best Regards
do you think he could get reinstated as president?
do you think trump will run again for president or do you think he will just be a force for the republican party behind the scenes?.
But, then again...he might demise from natural causes before then, too. Or, contract some serious disease, and have no interest in running for political office again.
folks: as you probably all know, it has been speculated that the whole universe, or cosmos, started with what has been called "the big bang.
" but, i've thought up some other terms for the "bb".
how about the big boom....or, the big kaboom....or, the big explosion...the big ignition...or...the big cosmic fartation.
UTR: Or, how about "The Horrendous Space Kapowie". Good one, from Calvin & Hobbes.
most people over the generations have taken pride in their heritage, nationality and country they are from.
it’s not uncommon to hear of “proud” italians and proud irish people , as an example.
are you proud of your country and your nationality or do you feel shame or indifference?.
Well, no, I do not really love it or am I proud of it. To begin, I AM a U.S. Citizen, having been born in a city in Southern California in 1954. But I am ambivalent, no, apathetic, towards the United States of America. To me, the U.S.A. just happens to be a geographic location on Planet Earth that I was born inside the boundaries of, by complete accident of birth. I did not "exist" in some "spirit world" before being born, and ask to be sent to Earth, and ask to be placed in the United States of America, when born. It all happened by complete accident, or chance. That's all. Perhaps this has come about as a result of having "anhedonia." Or, "jaded." Or, both. Maybe, I don't know. . But, having stated that, I'll still say.... Best Regards to all...
folks: as you probably all know, it has been speculated that the whole universe, or cosmos, started with what has been called "the big bang.
" but, i've thought up some other terms for the "bb".
how about the big boom....or, the big kaboom....or, the big explosion...the big ignition...or...the big cosmic fartation.
Folks: As you probably all know, it has been speculated that the whole Universe, or Cosmos, started with what has been called "The Big Bang." But, I've thought up some other terms for the "BB". How about the Big Boom....or, the Big Kaboom....or, the Big Explosion...the Big Ignition...or...the Big Cosmic Fartation. Or, how about the Big S.O.E (Start of Everything)...the Big B.O.E. (Beginning of Everything). Can you think of any other terms? Let us know/. Best Regards, Everyone...
are you ready to celebrate??
it’s such a big holiday that the local electric company will be closed in order to celebrate.
only emergencies will be dealt with on that day.. what are you doing for the holiday?.
Well, nothing....Absolutely nothing in the way of celebrating. The date, June 19th, or, Juneteenth means nothing to me. Best Regards, Everyone...