Mr. Terry: I think that I've seen this posting from you in the past, but I might be hallucinating again in my old age. Either way, it is still an interesting read. But, I don't know if I'd call it a situation of "almost dying" --I'd call it a case of almost not coming into existence. For many people, there is a very fine line between coming into existence and not coming into existence. All because of circumstances that happened before them. Best Regards to you.....Titch.
Posts by titch
In 1923 - I almost died!
by Terry inin 1923 i almost died.
__________in 1923 i almost died.. allow me to explain .... on the day of my parole from seagoville federal correctional institution, i walked out of the entrance of the prison and my grandfather was waiting for me at the gate.. the last time i’d seen him was in 1967. today was 1969.. he looked older and i must have looked much skinnier.. i opened the door and climbed into the front passenger side.. there were no seat belts back then.. jack avery hybarger was a private man, very shy about looking into anyone’s eyes.. he bottled up his emotions.
we weren’t a family that hugs or says “i love you.”.
What Should Have Been Their "Surname" or "Last Name"?
by titch inok, folks, so here's my question.
now then, assuming that you believe that there was an actual first man and a first woman, as the bible propounds, that had the name of "adam" and "eve" (as we have called them, in the english language) well, what do you think that their surname or last name would have been, or should have been?
that is, if they had surnames way back then, in the so-called "beginning" of human existence?
OK, Folks, so here's my question. Now then, assuming that you believe that there was an actual first man and a first woman, as the Bible propounds, that had the name of "Adam" and "Eve" (as we have called them, in the English language) Well, what do you think that their surname or last name would have been, or should have been? That is, if they HAD surnames way back then, in the so-called "beginning" of human existence? I'll start it off with this: Adam Humanbeing...Eve Humanbeing. So, what do you think that their surname should have been. Now....get your "thinking juices" flowing, and have fun with this one! Best Regards Everyone.....Titch.
What Do They Have in Common?: Covington/ Muhammed Ali / Disfellowship policy
by Terry incovington / muhammed ali / disfellowship (what do they have in common?
)“hayden c. covington, one of the most influential figures in the history of first amendment law.
beyond the numerous first amendment cases he argued or co-argued in the supreme court, he also prevailed on behalf of the witnesses in over “100 decisions handed down by various state supreme courts, and .
Wow! You are quite the historian, Mr. Terry. Thanks for the post!
Earthquake in Victoria Australia
by smiddy3 ini ,along with many other victorians in australia,experienced my first earthquake this morning about 9:15 am.. it was recorded as a 5.9 magnitude.and an after shock of 4.0 magnitude.. i was having a lay in bed due to the fact my wife had a bad night due to her health problems which affected my sleep as well.. and i thought geeeze she`s making a lot of racket coming up the passage to the bedroom with her walker and then the bed started shaking like crazy .
i thought my computer`s going to hit the deck along with the printer as other things started to fall over.. our house sits on concrete stumps and the thought went through me that the house could collapse ,but thankfully there was no structural damage that i could find.. apparently it was felt far and wide covering most of victoria / nsw and even tasmania.. anybody else here had a similar experience ?.
I was born and raised in Southern California, so I have experienced my "share" of earthquakes in my lifetime. And, I never get used to them, when they happen, no matter what the magnitude is. I mean, it's just not "natural" for the Earth, underneath us, to move around. It's just not. If I were to be the "inventor" and "creator " of a planet, it would NOT have tectonic plates beneath its surface that move around to release "pressure", and cause havoc for the inhabitants of said planet, on the surface of the planet. And, if it had tectonic plates that move around underneath, the "release of pressure" would come at a predetermined time each day...oh, say at about 1:00 p.m . and it would be a magnitude of about 1 or 2, and would last for about 30 seconds, and no more. That way, we could all just expect the minor shaking to happen, and that would be it. So there, that's how I would invent a planet. But, no one asked for my input on inventing a planet. Best Regards, all...
T -
No more Questions from MINIMUS
by was a new boy inminimus former jw, prolific poster on jwn died.. minimus.
joined 19 years ago.
started 4,139 topics.
So fill to me the parting glass...
And drink to health {and to Min} what er' befalls...
I gently rise, and softly call...
Good Night, and joy be to you all
Good Night, Mr. Minimus.....Good Night.
No more Questions from MINIMUS
by was a new boy inminimus former jw, prolific poster on jwn died.. minimus.
joined 19 years ago.
started 4,139 topics.
Wellll, damn! I gotta say this about Mr. Minimus: Whether you agreed with him or disagreed with him, he always had some very interesting, though-provoking, probing questions to ask. I'll miss his contributions to this Website! Best Regards.....
Dems and useful idiots take private property.
by mickbobcat inthis is nothing but illegal.
telling people that they can not evict a dead beat renter for not paying rent while the land owner has to pay for repairs, insurance, taxes and a mortgage is such a private property grab.
any one who votes for these assholes is a total idiot.
Oh, one more thing---Why is it considered to be a "grab" at private property? I think for the most part that those who haven't been able to pay their rent, it's not a "grab" at private property, it's an effort to have some reasonable dwelling place.
Dems and useful idiots take private property.
by mickbobcat inthis is nothing but illegal.
telling people that they can not evict a dead beat renter for not paying rent while the land owner has to pay for repairs, insurance, taxes and a mortgage is such a private property grab.
any one who votes for these assholes is a total idiot.
Mickbobcat: What is it that makes you think that a person, or persons, who cannot pay the rent on some property---whether it be an apartment, a house, a townhome----is a so-called "dead beat"? I have an over-arching question here: . Suppose that a landlord, property owner is able to evict someone who has not paid their rent for a long period of time---Do they have a long list of persons who are waiting to move in, and once again turn that apartment, etc, into a "money-producing" piece of property once again? Well, do they? With so many who have been thrown out of work---gainful employment---because of the downturn in the economy as a result of the pandemic, who is waiting in line to take possession of that apartment, house, etc? I honestly wonder about that.
And, for those who have been evicted, What are they supposed to do? Where are they going to go to? Can they move in with friends, relatives? Or, should they just set up a tent in a "homeless encampment" somewhere? What is their alternative, with regards to residency? Best Regards...
Were you 100 Percent JW?
by Iamallcool inwere you 100 percent jw?
what caused you to leave the cult?
Well, I might have been a 100% JW, or maybe a little less percentage points than that. But, basically, what caused me to "fade" out of it? When I came to the full realization that I, as a human being, simply have no "spiritual craving", no spiritual hunger---that needs to be satiated or satisfied by ANY kind of religious belief system...any belief structure. When I faded out of the JWs, I DID NOT turn to any other religious belief system for "spiritual enrichment". None....Zilch. Oh, well, I suppose that somehow, I missed the so-called "God gene", when I was conceived. It happens. Best Regards, All....
Dr. Laura
by Me.Wonderful ini am been a big fan of dr. laura for years.
not saying that i always agree with her and i do realize there is an entertainment value to her show.
generally i do have conservative values and i do credit her for me not pulling the plug on my marriage , or at least till the kids are gone.
Ahhh, yes, Dr. Laura. Where can I begin. First of all, and this of no consequence, I have met her on one occasion, when she appeared with one of her fellow radio talk-show hosts, namely, Bill Handel, at a shopping center in Costa Mesa, California. . That was in 1993, However, back in the late 1990s, around 1998 or 1999, there was an article in "Vanity Fair" Magazine, about her. The article brought out issues that showed how much of a conniving back-stabber that she was with regards to many of her fellow radio hosts on Radio Station KFI, which is in Southern California. Now, I am a licensed Amateur Radio operator, and one of my many friends in Amateur Radio is a gentleman who was, at the time---late 1990s---a Broadcast Engineer at KFI and its "sister stations." After reading that article in Vanity Fair, I made it a point, the next time that I saw him, to ask this fellow Ham if he had read the article in Vanity Fair, and whether any of it was true or not. He told me that he had read the article; he said that there were a few "inaccuracies" in the article, BUT---for the most part---it was true. FOR THE MOST PART---THE ARTICLE WAS TRUE. So, go take on the day---or, go do the right thing. Or, do whatever you damn-well please. Best Regards