Mr. Terry: Great stories, from Way Back When". Keep 'em coming. Best Regards....Titch.
Posts by titch
Mop and Bucket: A JW minister and Three Incidents
by Terry inthree incidents (from my youth).
in 1972 i had a glorious job as a janitor cleaning fort worth's largest newspaper offices at the star-telegram for $1.60 an hour in the wee hours (midnight to 8 am).. (hold your applause till the end, please).. .
yes - i was still a jehovah's witness and yes - we young full-time ministers accepted any part-time employment such as mine to survive until 1975 (when the, um, end of human existence would occur; according to watchtower magazine leaders.).
Armageddon Aftermath
by Vanderhoven7 inactually you can hear it from the governing body himself (jehovah's witnesses leaders) and visualise it with this video… .
welcome to jehovah's witness paradise!.
endAll of this thread reminds me of something that a Congregation Overseer (a Presiding Overseer, at one time) said at a Book Study, that he visited. He expressed the idea that at Armageddon, god would use "anti-matter" to destroy the wicked that would have to be destroyed. The thought is that "anti-matter", when it comes into contact with "matter"---well, they destroy each other. Poof! Both are gone. At that time, I thought, Well, if god will use anti-matter to destroy matter---physical human beings---then why would billions of human carcasses be strewn from one end of the Earth to the other end? Wouldn't all of that be taken care of by the "anti-matter/matter" situation? Oh, well...just my thoughts. Best Regards.....Titch.
Funniest insults
by LoveUniHateExams inso, i was wondering what are the funniest insults i've heard/been called.. the woman who taught me the arabic alphabet did a lesson about insults in colloquial palestinian arabic.. the one that stuck out to me was iniqbir or ini'bir.
literal meaning: bury yourself.
"go and bury yourself".
Back in 1960s, there was a radio talk-show host, here in the Los Angeles area, named Joe Pyne. One of his insults for those who he disagreed with was "Go gargle with razor blades."
TRICKY WORDS and why not to use them
by Terry intricky words .
perfectly good words go unused in writing and speaking.
their meaning isn't clear and the eye is 'tricked' by similarity to other words or sounds.. .
Folks, I apologize for my previous post. I'll admit that I did a search on the Internet AFTER I wrote it. The correct phrase, as I found out is..."hear hear", kind of a shortened version of "hear that person, hear that person." It's a phrase that was used quite frequently in the British Parliament. So, there, I correct my previous post.
TRICKY WORDS and why not to use them
by Terry intricky words .
perfectly good words go unused in writing and speaking.
their meaning isn't clear and the eye is 'tricked' by similarity to other words or sounds.. .
FedUpJW: I hear you on that matter. So,..."here here" to proper grammar.
TRICKY WORDS and why not to use them
by Terry intricky words .
perfectly good words go unused in writing and speaking.
their meaning isn't clear and the eye is 'tricked' by similarity to other words or sounds.. .
This is a very good listing of words that get misused quite frequently. How about the phrases "could of", "should of", and "would of". The correct phrases are " could have", "should have" and "would have." Just thought I'd mention those. Also, I wish that people would know the difference between "there", "their", and "they're". The word "there" indicates place, location. "OK, put your copy of the NWT over there on that table." "Their" indicates the ownership or possession of something or someone. "Oh, those copies of the NWT....well, they are their very own copies." And, the word "they're" is a contraction of the two words, "they" and "are." "Tomorrow, they're going to the Circuit Assembly." So, please use the words correctly. Thank you. Best Regards.....Titch.
Ballad of Armageddon (to be sung sort of like Ballad of the Alamo
by Terry inthe ballad of armageddon _________________a sinner trudged to salem and he went down on his knee asking heaven for a token or a sign of what would be but a wind came out of nowhere and a thunderbolt flashed high as a sudden hush of stillness brought a rumble and a sigh.
the valley of meggido beckons hordes to reckon blood higher than a bridle comes that roiling, gruesome flood in the valley of the shadow where the dead will surely rise on the day (maybe tomorrow) you will understand if wise.
yet the sinner slept in salem and his dreams of monstrous fears woke him screaming much affrighted as he mumbled washed in tears
Wow! You are quite the poet and lyricist, Terry! Best Regards...Titch.
The "Trinity" is not Biblical.
by Revealed insimple.. you cannot find the word there (or many of the comical variations such as: a triune godhead, the triunity, co-equal god beings, godhead, a hypostaic union, divine essences, divine natures, a god-the-son, a god-the-ghost, hypostasis, homoousios, perichoresis , a godman, omnipresence, incarnation, a god who is a sacred mystery, a god 'in three persons', dual natures, a reincarnate god, a first person of the trinity, a second person of the trinity, a third person of the trinity, godness, a tri-unity or a multipersonal god), or any of the so-mentioned aspects.. jehovah identified himself (not 'themselves") as on one god, as did jesus and all the prophets.
so, come, let us know of the simple twists of the clergy!.
But, if those healings did occur, I have been wondering...Why won't god heal amputees? Have there been any recorded instances, with absolute proof, of people who have their limbs--- arms, hands, legs, feet---that were amputated---miraculously restored? Just wondering. Respectfully submitted.....
Are you open to having a count as to how many ex-JW`s on this site are vaccinated x2 jabs. ?
by smiddy3 ini`ll go first ,i have my vaccinated 2 jabs for the elderly.. if i`m not around in the next 3 months you will know why ..
OK, I have had the first two vaccinations---the first two in March and April of this year, and I just had the booster shot today. So far, I have not experienced any "side-effects" from the booster shot.
How many states have you ever lived in? (USA)
by Iamallcool ini only have lived in 4 states!
One only---California. I suppose that I don't really like to move---re-locate---that much. I have visited, or traveled through several US states, but remained a California Resident. Best Regards......Titch.