Here is the real crime..... In CoC ray franz Draws a comparision with mexico where men were required to do a certain amount of time in military service to receive government assistance (of any kind). Instead of declining the gov assistance the brothers were allowed to bribe government officials to have their service records falsified. This at the same time malawi was going on.
To add insult to injury the reason the malawi situation started in the first place was that when the civil war (or the whole political card became an issue)broke out the local brothers couldnt contact brooklyn for direction. They just decided to err "on the iode of caution" and say not to buy the political cards so as not offend the desert god. When communication was established with brooklyn again the big wigs in brooklyn felt that if they over turned the local brothers decision it would undermine the suffering the brothers had been through already. So they aimply went along with and thousands of dubbies were beaten, raped and killed needlessly. And told it was to "stay neutral" .
To add insult to injury, there was really was only political party in malawi anyway. It could have been reasoned that the so called political card was just a government issued ID. Had not the local brothers decided it was a sin absent any direction from brooklyn, brooklyn itself didnt see buying the cards as an issue.
Good thing this is gods spirit directed organization and all.....