Great staff Mr. Flipper....I recall when I had to work 3 jobs (I was working in a delivery section of sanitary ware, I had a cleaning company, and playing guitar in a band for the weekends)in order to make it through. I do not consider my self greedy person, or a person who loves money. But, I had to work hard(and still do)since the needs of the family are more in this world we are living. I'm not talking about having lobsters of haviar, for dinner. I'm talking for the basic needs.
In my case it was a combination of events:
1.Family has grown, more mouths to feed.
2. I have discovered the truth about "truth"
3.I was really shit finnancialy since I've spend many years preaching the "good news"
Any how I had frequent visits from the elders since I have stoped going to meetings. I asked them "who will feed my family?.Who will pay the rent?" I understand the need for the meetings(ok I was bullshitting here)but I 'm in a terrible finnancial condition. My problems are NOW. and NOW I need to work hard to face them".
They nevered answer to those questions. All they used to answer it was that we are living in the last days and Satan is using the system to put more preasure upon us.
One time I was really pissed off by one of the elders who said to me that my attitude will lead my small childern(age 1 and 3 at that time) to DIE in Armageddon!!! I hardly managed to control my temper(have in mind the Mediterraneans are hot tempered) Such an asshole...he was using my small childern to make me go to their shitty meetings...
When I was young and I was supposed to study,get a digree, WT was forbitting us for more education...some, under the guidance of the WT left school and became pioneers because the end was so near.. We have stayed uneducated in a very competative world. Now we are paying for our "submission"to "God's Organization" with low payed jobs, and no skills.
Man I hate WT with all of my existence...bloody false prophets