1.Change my job with a better paid one
2.Show more love to the people I love
3.Start to live for my self
4 Screw WT...
mine is to better organize my stuff and throw sh*t away.
ok, so here's a little summary.
i have suffered from depression for quite a while, at varying degrees.
several months ago, i made the decision to stop attending meetings (check out my first posts for the reasons).
WT is using GUILT and FEAR to control their followers...I left 8 years ago(3 since I was disfellowship) and I do not feel going back there. I have my life and I'm the one who controls it, and I need NO one, and specially some old American fools to tell me what to wear and what to believe..
I;m free and I live for me ONLY
i was cleaning up my room and i found letters from a girl i loved.
although she was leaving in a scandinavian country she was so warm and cute....but it was my fault that this affair didn't continue.
then i realize that this love was fake.
I was cleaning up my room and I found letters from a girl I loved. Although she was leaving in a Scandinavian country she was so warm and cute....but it was my fault that this affair didn't continue. Then I realize that this love was fake. Fake because WT was involved in this story, At that time(early 90's) we were both regular pioneers and serving as part time in our local Bethels. After watching the photos we had(she make me an album putting together all of our photos) and looking back of this love story, questions started to rise:
Does real love exist in the WT world? Was this love based on solid ground? Or did we loved each other because we were pioneers? At the end of the day in the WT is there real love? Or everything is fake, based on a lie, and the standards of the WT that dictates how should you love someone? If I had left WT would she stay by me? Or she loved me as long as I was a JW?
Those questions are flying over my head the last couple of days...I guess there is no real love in the WT world...I know it from my expierience leaving WT that there is no real love...
I want to know what love is, I want you to show me.......
i recently realized something interesting about jw theology and thought i'd share it with the rest of the class: as most of us know, a distictive facet of watchtower/jw theology is the concept that the 144,000 in revelation chapters 7 and 14 is a literal number.
thus, the witnesses believe that exactly 144,000 humans will be resurrected to heaven to rule with jesus christ, while the rest of the witnesses will populate a restored paradise earth.. they also teach that the 24 elders in revelation represent the 144,000 kings and priests in heaven.
so, when rev.
My God OBVES, just read from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 21 and verse 8 ask for God to give you the Holy Spirit in order to understand a very simple scripture....Jesus clearly said that "take heed ye not be deceived.,many shall come in my name,saying I'm Christ and the time draweth near,go ye not therefore after them".
I have chosen the KJV that is closer to the Hellenic Original text, that simply says:Do not follow them...So who you will follow OBVES...Jesus who clearly said that we must not follow anyone who claims that the end is near, or you will follow the path of false prophecy like many Protestand Groups did, such as Seventh Day Adventists, Bible Students, Mormons?
The choice is yours....
this may surpass the "bush did 911" meme.. oh man the next 4 years are going to be entertaining....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcxhcmyn8ru.
to be fair though, this makes more sense than the bailout schemes floating around congress lately--and they should have been bombing chicago instead of afghanistan.
and well...this settles the hullabaloo surrounding obama's birth certificate also.. we were treated to all the lefty idiots come out of the woodwork the last 8 years.. "begun, the clone wars have.".
BurnTheShips, they have an amazing similarity...Personally I do not believe that the New President of U.S will make any difference from the previous one. U.S presidents are control by stronger organizations that run our world today. If you don't obey their orders then you will end up like JFK. Simply as that...
The New World Order is in front of us, and I strongly believe that citizens in the world we must stand for justice and freedom. What has happened in my country is just the beggining of the end. People realize that those are in charge are against our freedom, and there was a burst against the system.It is about time for everyone to realize that our freedom is under attack, by those who claim to be the champions of freedom in the "free world".
9/11 was orchestrated by the NWO in order to attack our freedom. There was no All Quaida, or Osama. The are many facts to proove this. 9/11 has so many black holes that is beyond in my imagination to accept that we had 4 planes flying over U.S. at least 4 hours without their flight scedule and no one knew anything about it...We are talking about U.S and along with Russia they are the most technologically milatary advanced countries in the world.They create a monster called "terrorism". With the fear of terrorism they are limiting our freedom.
And just a few thoughts BTS: How come the new president has kept the same Minister of Defence? Plus having Hilary at the possition of Foreign Secretary you don't need much of imagination were U.S is going
what are your thoughts on the watchtower's future?.
here's my guess: they will move away from the increasingly embarrassing dates of 1914 and 1919, rather stressing the "success" of their organization as credentials.
there will be even more emphasis on the concept of god's organization.. the result will be total sclerosis, for god's organization cannot err nor be reformed by men.
OBVES...I will kindly ask you to read the following verse at least 3 times a day for at least 6 months, pray to Jesus to give you understanding by the guidance of the Holy Spirit:
It is on the Gospel of Luke chapter 21 verse 8(KJV): 8 And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.
It is the closer version I found that is closer to the Original Hellenic Text, that clearly Jesus states "me ipagete opiso afton" do not go after them...So who are those that Jesus Christ said that we must NOT GO AFTER THEM? He clearly said for those who will come in His name and WILL claim THAT THE END IS NEAR....
So is it SO HARD FOR ANYONE to understand this CLEAR statement of Jesus? I guess it is, that is why we have so many groups at the Protestand movement like Mormons, Watchtower, Seventh Day Adventists(just to name a few from the multitude of the thousands of Protestand groups that exist) who are repeating the same mistake over and over again....that they KNOW that the end is near...
So who will you follow OBVES...Jesus or your misguided undestanding????
The choise is yours.........
without question, the ravyn guiliani interview on the six screens conference call created lots of controversy.
ravyn's experience with sra (satanic ritual abuse) was instantly rejected by so many.
it was as though people pre-judicated her story before she had a chance to tell it.
I have listened to all the conference and I must say it was very interesting. I don't think that she was faked. Besides it is not a suprise since the WT is involved with Occult ever since they started with their founder Russell.
Why should we feel suprised about her claims. We have pyramidology, numerology, widja boards, occult books like Angels and Women. WT turns to a spirit medium Greber to support their "theological" dogma at John 1:1 they even quoted from Francis Hitching, heavily involved in the occult, and based an entire book -Evolution on his writting the Neck of the Giraffe.
Personally I'm not supprised of her story. She was so accurate and detailed of what she has been through. I knew personally (although I was a child) and I recall some of the GB members. Knorr, Franz, Gangas. In her story we don't have Ray Franz and that is a very importand point. Ray was not among the elite members of the GB and this is makes sense because he does not have similar story. I'm only kind of suprised due to the fact that Ray does not mention any occult activities of the high ranking members of the WT in his book. So either there is no such a thing, or Ray was unaware of what was happening to the rest members of the GB. I believe it was the second since we all know the story of Ray and how he was treated by the rest of the members when he tried to tell them about the faulty chronology of 607.
i know it's old for us, but for me i never stop being scared.. remember the old paradise book, how a little kid and a bicycle were going down a big crack in the earth?
remember the picture of satan on fire?
i never forgot that stuff.
My God. this picture reminded me of my childhood years...shit that was an awfull book to read to a child...I was so scared of Armagedon when I was a child that many times I couldn't sleep at night. I was feeling very bad why God must kill all my friends and all those people just because they don't accept JW's....I hated that Paradise Book
... and they were so good!.
now, i shall have a cuppa tea.. any questions?.
what are your thoughts on the watchtower's future?.
here's my guess: they will move away from the increasingly embarrassing dates of 1914 and 1919, rather stressing the "success" of their organization as credentials.
there will be even more emphasis on the concept of god's organization.. the result will be total sclerosis, for god's organization cannot err nor be reformed by men.
I would say it is dark...they have no increase in the past years, several doctrinal changes, that changed compelely the WT in the past 15 years, the GB is even stressing more the Organizational Concept and this results to turn way from Christ even more. I recall when I got baptized in 1984 I was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. A year after they change the oath to "God's Spirit directed Organization".
In the Western world they have dicrease, internet, the multitude of Books that you can find against WT is a negative factor. If someone come to my door and gives me a relegious book, I will go to the internet and check this out...Technology has so much advantages now that it is very hard times for cults to prosper.
WT leadership is traped to their past doctrines that they cannot escape. Maybe a schisma, or another brakethrough branch will come up. It happened in 1919 when Booze Jo took over command and separated JW's from Bible Students. We know that there are about 20 movements that broke way from the original WT. Again the same happened in the great apostasy of the late 70's. I believe that another brake through will happen soon. At this momment we have active JW's that they are asking for reform and those JW's have websides accusing openly the GB for corruption and hypocrisy because they are stack to wrong dates(607-1914)
As time goes more JW's will question the WT's doctrines and they will ask for reform. That is why the GB is introducing more strict policy in their followers. Free expression and thought is being replaced by Organizational commants. History proved that Totalitarian regimes have colapsed because you can't go on forever supressing people's freedom WT leaders they know that they have an expire date, so they are tying to get as much more cash they can get...