I'm 39 and I have been innactive for the past 7 years and still in my dreams I see that demons attack me. And those dreams they seem so real sometimes that I usually scream in my sleep. Watchtower has always been a demon possesed religion. It has to do with the occult roots of the early years of the WT.
JoinedPosts by justhuman
One of the long term effects of growing up a JW...
by Pwned infor me anyways.. i still have nightmares about demon attacks.
that was the one belief that really had a grip on me growing up.
i was terrified of demons and even thought i was being attacked one night for bringing home a toy with a pagan symbol (ying-yang) on it.
Watch Tower sues Quotes for $100,000 plus plus plus...
by Quotes incourt file no.
superior court of justice.
watchtower bible and tract society of .
I thought that the WT would be "happy" because Quotes all they do is to inform the puplic regarding Watchtowers teachings. Plus the DON'T say anything bad about the WT.
So if the WT teachings change from time to time, and they cannot hold to the one true teaching of the Bible, and their quilty for false prophecy, lies, and many other things that they hide from their followers, then THEY are the ones that should be sued!!!
Or maybe they run out of cash, so they start to sue every webside in the world that they consider "apostatic".
Who Was The Most Corrupt WTBTS President?
by Ticker ini say it was j.r. rutherford and i sum up my reason in one word as follows;
greed for power and money.
I believe that Russell and Rutherford were the same....The first was influenced by spiritism, a paidophile proven by court. The second was alchoholic, and greedy, and ifluenced with spiritism.
The rest they just contuniue the lies they inherit from the 2 first presidents in order to secure their possition and the Party
Serena the loyal JW
by joelbear in.
all dressed up for door to door work..
That is a very sexy photo of hers...I wish they were many JW's girls like her...HOT...SEXY....
Is The Governing Body Of JW's Deliberately Deceiving People?
by Honesty in.
i find it very hard for me to believe that the governing body is unaware that many of the wtbts teachings and doctrines are not only deceiving people but are also spiritually, mentally and physically harming them as well.
what are your thoughts and comments?
The GB is trapped by the Teachings of Rutherford and Franz and they cannot go back. Most of all they are dizzy with the power and control they have over 6.5 million JW's. Because it is all about CONTROL. Like polititians Religious Leaders and specially cult leaders their main goal it is to control people even though they know that they are deliberately deceivers and liars
Would you go back?
by Stress Free inwhen i was an active witness it was quite noticeable that when world shattering events took place, such as a disaster, tensions between major nations, war in iraq or events like that of 9/11 the meeting attendance would drastically improve.
this was mainly due to ones whom you rarely saw flocking back because they thought armageddon was coming.
what if this almost impossible scenario occurred.
Yeah I would go back...I will attend to the meetings, have DEEP personal Bible Study,start going to the preaching work, my associates will be ONLY JW's(and I will choose those with good spiritual stand in the Congregation) and become pioneer...go back to the old Bible studies I used to have, start to give away the Awake and Watchtower magazines brochures, and old books(NOT Russells and Rutherford because they are consider as APOSTATIC material)
Most of all I WILL DENOUNCED this forum that has deceived me, because there are ALL sorts of Apostates in it, and cry in front of the Elders that I was deceived by the Evil-Demon-Oriented Apostates in the internet, because indeed internet is the Devils Best Tool...and make and oath that Watchtower is God's Organization choosen by Christ in 1914 and the Faithfull and Discreet Slave is the mouthpiece of Jehovah...
So by doing this I will save my ass from Armageddon!!!
607 Again!
by sammielee24 ini am trying to prove that jeruselum fell in 586/87 thereby making the witness date of 607 an error.
i sent my jw sister in law the chart of dates that prove chronologically the date of 607 is wrong using the insight book and the babylon book.
i told her i was 'troubled' by this find and asked her to help me out by showing me where i can find proof in the literature that would line up with these dates.
70 YEARS are NOT for Jerusalim but FOR Babylon.There are are many other translations that instead of using the phrase "at" they use "for" Babylon, and the Hebrew text is actually using the word "for". So the 70 years is the time that Babylon will rule as a dominant power..Simple as that...
Europe - Do Their Leaders Have the Guts?
by roybatty inregarding iran's nuke program, the evil george bush stood on the sideline and let the europeans do it their way via diplomacy through the u.n. well, iran has basically told them to screw off and has now re-started it's nuke program and seems to have no intention to stop their development of nukes.
this u.n. delegation has now given iran the "eleventh hour warning" which they will laugh at.
soon it will be brought before the u.n. security counsel and a recommendation to impose sanctions against iran will be made and voted upon.
Yeah, hopefully they don't have the low IQ that Bush has...that is around 80 points.
For sure now we all feel more SAFE that Bush that has the Guts(but NO brain)Because of Bush politics we have more terrorist attacks than ever, plus he managed to turn more Muslims to become fanatics, and create more hate between Christians and Muslims.
Plus Bush managed to create oil crisis to the world because he had the Guts to lie to the entire world that Saddam had chemical weapons and he was ready to attack U.S. But the real reason that he attacked Iraq was, (as we all know) to get his hands over Iraq's oil, with the Oil companies that he owns. But he forget to tell us how did he become dictator with the support of the father Bush.
Plus you need to have Guts to be a MASSIVE MURDERER and WAR CRIMINAL by killing thousands of innocent people in Iraq...
So what it would be the outcome if Bush desides to attack to Iran and thats another Muslim country...just think if you have the GUTS!!!
Watchtower Joins Political Lobby !
by Amazing1914 inthis was posted over a year ago under my original screen name.
i am bringing it back to the top for newer posters:
jehovah's witnesses in russia are working with scientology, the unification church, mormons and others in a joint political effort to lobby the russian duma (similar to the us congress) for certain issues.
by justhuman in14th of august 2005 it will be one of the sadest day in the history of my country.
a boing 737 crashed near the hellenic airport eleftherios venizelos killing all the 121 people on board, all of them greek -cypriots.
tonight we light a candle and we pray to god to rest the souls of the victims.
Thank you all for your sympathy. Infortunately in the tragic plane we had many children. From 3 years old to 12. There was a family with 3 children and their parents that died in the crash. Also some children are left behind and lost both of their parents.
Please keep praying for all them