Ozzie, u pay for my plane ticket and I'll be there.
By the way, I live in England.....any problems???......
ok guys and gals, take a note of this!.
the next gathering of happy posters and other well-adjusted souls will.
be held on sunday may 27th.. for those who were with us last time we gathered: "same time, same place" but if you're a 'newbie' or just plain curious, please give me an e-mail and i'll give you the directions to this happy gathering.. e-mail to: ozziepost@hotmail.com.
i was raised as a catholic.
it used to be considered a sin to eat meat on friday.
even for a little boy who was at the age of reason.. i remember very well the time when i was in the second grade about the age of 7 that i did eat a hot dog on a friday.. i knew that it was a sin but i ate it anyway.
a poster who started another topic seemed to belittle the good work done by this board and other boards.
we're not doing anything here but jerking off!.
and was in favour of suing the pants of the wts!
Patio, I don't mind u not liking 'offensive' words, but I wonder if that is truly YOUR opinion, or has it been installed by being a JW??
Again, I have no problem with it, just wondering if it was YOUR TRUE FEELINGS on the subject....
Admittedly, I get a bit awkward reading 'offensive' words, but I admit that it is due to being brought up a JW.
I'd like to repeat that I don't mind refraining from 'offensive' language so as to not offend anyone here.
P.S The problem with JW's is that they prevent social interaction, that is the biggest problem I have with them, also so many people get 'brainwashed' so quickly and so fully that no matter how much evidence u give them, they will not SEE it!!!
hi everyone, i was just thinking that the whole satan going against god is completely unrealistic.. if u find yourself created by god and at his side, the last thing u wanna do is upset him, let alone make an enemy of him!!!!!!!.
does anyone else find this concept absurd?!?!?!!!!.
Hi everyone, I was just thinking that the whole Satan going against God is completely unrealistic.
If u find yourself created by God and at his side, the last thing u wanna do is upset him, let alone make an ENEMY of him!!!!!!!
Does anyone else find this concept ABSURD?!?!?!!!!
P.S A 'greedy', 'jealous' Angel???????
They sound like 'human' traits!!!!!
suspect in alaskan school stabbings ignores judge.
anchorage, alaska, may 8 (reuters) - a man arrested for allegedly slashing the throats of four anchorage children outside their school refused to answer a judge's questions at a court hearing on tuesday, then urged onlookers to kill themselves and their children.
jason pritchard, 33, was arraigned in state superior court on four charges of attempted murder and four charges of first-degree assault.
anyone else feel that the jw big 'a' countdown is really the countdown to their demise????..............
i do.... chris
inspired by englishman's post, i decided to list a few things that i disagreed with as a jw.. 1) jacob lied.. i disagreed with the wtbs on this even before i was baptised.
it is pretty obvious.
the elders agreed to baptise me if i kept my mouth shut about it.. 2) that jehovah is a loving and just god.. hitler killed 6 million jews and is considered to be one of the most evil men in history.
Skeptic, a very good post, alot that I have thought about and a few new ones.
I would add, what about the ATHEISTS who were completely adament in their beliefs will be resurrected, yet all the children of non-JW families will be destroyed!!!!!
It's crystal clear to u and me and the others here but not-so-clear to the poor BRAINWASHED JWs........
suspect in alaskan school stabbings ignores judge.
anchorage, alaska, may 8 (reuters) - a man arrested for allegedly slashing the throats of four anchorage children outside their school refused to answer a judge's questions at a court hearing on tuesday, then urged onlookers to kill themselves and their children.
jason pritchard, 33, was arraigned in state superior court on four charges of attempted murder and four charges of first-degree assault.
I agree with Naeblis, u can't look at one man's incident to blame a whole cult, he is an individual and should be treated like one, it would be different if most or all witnesses were doing that sick act, but they're not, so......
I just can't believe that some people think that this world isn't supposed to be the one that we LIVE in, it's such a shame to see people waste it like that.
I can understand that it's human nature to expect more than u have, and that explains all theories of paradise or heaven or whatever... but I think they're just 'ideas', I don't believe there's any prook that these places really exist.
I think I'll live THIS life in THIS world and then see what happens when I die.....
If God exists and he thinks I'm not worthy of 'what he has in store for us all', then I'll never be accepted there, because I am who I am, and I'm not a bad person.
The bravest thing to do is to admit that THIS is our life and NO-ONE knows if there is anything after it!!!
Love to everyone
hi everyone, i just read esmerelda's post, i can see where she's coming from, being a new member, myself.. i understand, though, that people have already made friends and have their own little community, and that's fine.. i don't mind at all, i just hope that i can get people's attention by saying something that hasn't been said before...... i'm struggling though......... bye bye.
hi everyone, i just read esmerelda's post, i can see where she's coming from, being a new member, myself.. i understand, though, that people have already made friends and have their own little community, and that's fine.. i don't mind at all, i just hope that i can get people's attention by saying something that hasn't been said before...... i'm struggling though......... bye bye.
Hi everyone, I just read Esmerelda's post, I can see where she's coming from, being a new member, myself.
I understand, though, that people have already made friends and have their own little community, and that's fine.
I don't mind at all, i just hope that I can get people's attention by saying something that hasn't been said before.....
I'm struggling though........
Bye bye