It`s always seemed strange to me that you can eat cake,lite candles
and give people presents 364 days a year, but not on the day they
were born. If it`s such an evil thing to do shouldn`t it be wrong
to do at any time? I mean is it okay to kill people on some days and
not others? Can you steal on certain days, but not on others? Does
real SIN change with the calender. Here in Japan it is common for
JWs to go out of their way to do something special for someone NEAR
their birthday, but not ON it!! Maybe former President Clinton joined
the Governing Body to help them decide when `celebration` is not
really celebration !!
One more uniquely Japanese episode of craziness. In Japan at New Years time people say `Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu`, which means
something like `A new year has opened, congradulations!` For several
days after January 1st every living soul in Japan says that when they meet someone, so naturally, the organization forbids JWs to say it.
They claim that it has overtones of `idolatry` hah!! (It was probably
the same brilliant Japanese scholar who massacred the Japanese version
of the NWT who came up with that idea). Anyway, since the person has
to respond when someone says ,`Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu`,they say
something which is completely out of place. They say `Kyonen Osewa Ni
Narimashita` which means I was very indebted to you last year. By
substituting one set phrase for the usual set phrase they feel like
they have been faithful to Jehovah. It`s a joke. The only thing it
does is make people feel awkward and out of place by making them say
something which makes them stand out as being a bit odd.
Just more craziness...!!! JWD