Hi discreteslave:
leavingwt has given you some fine council from my point of view. I disassociated myself in July '06
over the Societies involvement with the U.N. as an NGO and their indefenseable position on child
molestation in the congregations. They were the two big issues for me. My wife is still a JW and we
are terminally seperated I think. We were able to stay together for about 4 years as we loved each
other very much. But being married to an "apostate" is a big burden for a JW to carry whatever the
circumstances. My wife finally came to the conclusion that I was a imminent danger to her spirituality
and used this as her basis to seperate from me "in good conscience". I never in 26+ (weeks away from 27)
mistreated her in any way. I never even made spirituality an issue. I felt I would do more harm than good in
constantly challenging her beliefs. But in the end I lost out to "the borg".
As to your letter, it has a lot of scriptural quotations but no application or specificity. When I read it I thought
it sounded like the rantings of a person who was a card or two short of a full deck. I mean no harm in that comment
just letting you know how I felt when I read it. Do I think you are insane, no i don't. But to the witnesses that
you gave that letter, they probably at least considered that as an option. For your own good, I would turn down the
rhetoric a bit. You can still say the same thing but in a much more attractive package.
I wish you well in your relationship with Richard. It sounds like you love each other very much. Remember though
that love does not always win out in this situation. Be careful how you say what you say. Think about how it will
sound to the JW point of view before you say it. That's all for now. I really do wish you well.