Eh I don't think it's a's just jehovahs witnesses trying to control every aspect of your life. In reality every single jehovahs witness does something that is not "christian like" and facebook is something that probably at least 75% of JWs use so the talk is just a rediculous load of crap and I agree, if youre going to go into the world it's definately not going to be because of facebook..idiots.
JoinedPosts by bambilove
Call from elder
by XPeterX ini received a call a few hours ago from an elder.of course he didn't call me to ask how i was or if i needed help.instead he told me that "the youth and some older brothers" of my congregation will gather (at another elder's house,you see 2 elders to "get a hold of the situation") to talk about the "internet,facebook etc dangers".i told him that i will's going to be an interesting conversation..
lol yeah brother dan and another...
8) you don't have to worry about meeting her parents right away.
and soldier..
I have to agree with that, up til the point so long as it's not B lining to cockiness and I'm so into myself..which I'm sure she's not just sayin.
I have something to add to your list brother dan
4) Theyre not going to look down on you for not attending the meetings or not being more "spiritual"
5) Its okay if you slip up and accidently pull out an F bomb
6) You wont be considered a sinner for drinking more than 2 beers
plus a bazillion more..point blank, worldly people are not nearly as judgemental.