Hi Penelope.
As someone who has been raised in the religion I want to give you this advice. Run away. Now. Don't get caught in a cult that will control your every thought and behavior like it did for me. It took me 27 years to wake up and another year to build up the courage to leave.
Don't. Get. Sucked. In.
Don't play with fire..
Don't waste your life. Run away.
And at the risk of repeating someone else, please read jwfacts.com, it has so much fantastic information.
It's a dangerous mind control cult. They already are beginning to get a hold on you. The fact that everything seems so great and nice is because it's a cult, they show you their best side until you're in, and then it's all over for you.
While you're at it, compare the literature with some good old communist or nazi propaganda. Especially North Korean propaganda is very similar. All happy smiles and faces, wholesome families enjoying picnics in nature, etc etc. It only seems good because any negative comments or pessimism are forbidden. There is no freedom in the cult. Soon you will lose confidence in yourself, start doubting yourself, and you become a slave. Before you know you can't have private thoughts anymore unless they are condoned by the leadership.
Try and view this movie and see if you can find any similarities with the watchtower society (WTS):
And before you say, oh but they won't make me kill myself, think about the blood doctrine, where people have to refuse taking blood transfusions and end up dead. Or about people who refuse to get a political party card in Malawi and who were cruelly raped, tortured and murdered and could have avoided if only they bought this silly little card. Or about conscientious objectors who got shot dead, and could've avoided if they only spend some years in service. The WTS will ask you to kill yourself. And if you don't stop your study, you will be ready to give your life for them.
Don't do it!