1. I'm no longer judgmental of people who don't necessarily follow the same path that I do --- JWs are among the mose judgmental people I know.
2. I make use of the freedom to decide whether or not to try something new based on my own thinking, rather than a group of men's thinking in Brooklyn.
3. I have an eclectic group of friends that I couldn't have as a JW.
4. I no longer fear "the world".
5. I can and do take part in local and national elections.
6. I can enjoy celebrating "heathen" Holidays such as Halloween and New Year's Eve.
7. While I still don't "plug into" Christmas, I enjoy attending Christmas parties and have a blast.
8. I don't feel the burden of having to be "a theatrical spectacle to the world", constantly evalutating what I say or do before acting out of fear that it would badly represent The Organization.
9. I can enjoy my sexuality without feeling condemned for it and simultaneously hating myself for it.
10. Perhaps, most importantly, is the universal feedback that everyone [except the JWs, of course] gave me who new me before and after being a JW: That I was a much more enjoyable person to be around, much happier, and just a better person all-around.