My personal feeling/belief is that suicide is disproportionately higher among JWs than among members of other religions in general.
The reason I say this is the following experience a few years ago at our first "A Common Bond" conference. It was in Washington, D.C. We wanted to have a memorial for those who'd committed suicide [but not in the JW way that doesn't really memorialize a person's life but rather shamelessly is used to promote the Organization]. The idea came up because in an email group that many of us participated in, someone brought up the subject. Then another mentioned they knew of a suicide and/or contemplated/attempted it themselves. It snowballed as many commented they personally knew JW suicide victims.
At the Conference during the Memorial [there were approximately 60 of us in attendance] we were asked by a show of hands how many people personally knew of someone who'd committed suicide. Virtually everyone in the audience raised their hand. It was then asked how many contemplated it themselves. Again, a high number raised their hand. It was finally asked how many actually attempted it. Can't remember the exact number, but I'd venture to say that about 10% had raised their hand.
Even though the audience was a gay/lesbian audience, we were basing our collective experience on knowing anyone who'd actually tried/succeeded in committing suicide. In my case, I knew a straight sister in Michigan who succeeded in committing suicide. I also knew a sister in California who'd attempted multiple times to commit suicide. I personally was planning my own suicide in the summer of 1993, starting to plan out how my disabled mother and sister would continue be taken care of [they were both in nursing homes at that point].
So, yes, for whatever reasons, I firmly believe that being a JW does not in itself make one want to live. If anything, the pressures can either make a person of strong conviction consider suicide or can make someone who is predisposed to suicidal tendencies to follow through.
Far from being congregations of "Jehovah's happy people", the organization has immense blood-guilt, IMO.