Tornado almost got me yesterday :(

by bboyneko 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • bboyneko

    Geez, this is friggin Maryland, we NEVER get tornados..anyway at around 5:30pm (quittin time at work) I got notified that a tornado had touched down in College Park, (my college, University of maryland college park) and had killed 2 people already and was headed directly in our path, it would arrive in like 10 minutes.

    I went outside and it was BLACK..the funny thing was you could see very clearly where the black ended and see clear sky right after that border. The clouds where movin FAST. I talked to Saffron online and told her to grab the kitty cats and head for a basement. I decided it was safer to leave work and go home than stay at work, since the tornado was headed right for me from the south, and my home is to the north. Stupid weather forcasters on the radio said at first it was just an uncofirmed rumor..turns out it was marylands worst storm in over 75 years

    As i leave it starts POURING rain very very hard. I get home like 20 minutes later and Saffron has the kitty cats locked in the bathroom and the phone and my adrress book and food all ready in case we had to wait it out. I told her to crack open windows since the air pressure outside gets very low during a tornado and the difference in the indoor and outdoor pressure causes windows to explode.

    I called back work and they said it touched down in the neighborhood directly behind my office..funny thing is directly in front of my office many of the terrorists were staying at a motel there, you can see the motel out the window..we seem to attract bad karma. So Im glad i went home.

    The tornado didnt reach apartment but it was a very scary ride home with the wind so loud it sounded like a train.

    The two people killed were sisters, they had just left their dad's house. Witnesses say their car was over 75 feet in the air before it was sent slamming into a tree :(


  • Stiffy

    DAMN DAN! Glad you made it duder. Tornado in Maryland? Holy cow!? Sounds like scary-ass experience bro. :(

  • bboyneko

    i didnt see any flying cows tho...

  • betweenworlds

    Damn! That's scary. Glad you are ok!!!!! I know we had some touch down when I lived up in central NY a few years back. It was so bizarre cause we never got tornadoes up there either.


    "The important thing is to not stop questioning" Albert Einstein

  • Winston


    That's quite an expereince.

    Well I'm glad your not hurt, it's a shame 2 people lost there lives.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    when i was 5 or so, a tornado almost got me too (true story)! glad ya made it out bboy !!!

    ~i woke up adrift in a technicolor bliss~

  • Stiffy

    hmm, almost as scary as the Nuclear Plant Map I posted...

    ::Cow fly's by...:: "We have cows..." ::Few minutes later, cow flys by:: "Was that another cow?" "Nope... Same one...."

    Hehe, loved twister

  • rem


    Glad you are alright! We had a pretty spectacular thunder storm over in the Bay Area last night. That was exciting, but I wasn't afraid for my life or my property. It must be a scary thing to hunker down while a life threatening storm blows over.

    Just remember: There's no place like home....


    "Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so."
    ..........Bertrand Russell

  • Tallyman


    those pictures...? O u c h !


  • Shaneliza

    Glad you made it back to your place. When I was 20 (it was my birthday that day) I watched a tornado go across town, never having seen one before I didn't quite know what that huge black cloud was, until I saw trees and cars swirling around in it. Then I high-tailed it to the basement.
    To this day, when the winds pick up and the clouds get heavy, I get very scared. I'll never forget it as long as I live. Nature sure is a powerful force.


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