Brother NameWithheld:
E-mail me, and we will talk! However, I have had many e-mails for help but I will respond.....thanks!
calling all lost sheep!
it is not too late.
i have been an observer of this site for some time now.
Brother NameWithheld:
E-mail me, and we will talk! However, I have had many e-mails for help but I will respond.....thanks!
calling all lost sheep!
it is not too late.
i have been an observer of this site for some time now.
Brother Englishman:
I have really enjoyed most of your posts! Please consider my message of restoration! Pray for us all. Good things of God are coming soon!!
calling all lost sheep!
it is not too late.
i have been an observer of this site for some time now.
Dear brother NameWithheld:
Your humor is fitting. Based on all the lost faith of each one of us. But now, please, lets rethink our paths and join together as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and fight the good fight!
Review most of these posts on this site. Darkness is everywhere. Help me spread the light......Please brother?
calling all lost sheep!
it is not too late.
i have been an observer of this site for some time now.
Dear brother Outlaw:
I am no supper hero. However, Jehovah’s holy spirit can empower all who ask! Outlaw, I have been there, please believe me. Your posts exposes your thoughts and I feel that you did have the power of God. Let us bring it know what I am saying is true.....
calling all lost sheep!
it is not too late.
i have been an observer of this site for some time now.
All your posts are noted and well taken. I cannot address all things here and now. Please let me offer this: some seem to adhere more to legalism than most. Jesus rejected this and we should to. Who shall each one of us stand before? Not a human court, but Jehovah’s.
I truly know how deep your cuts are, however, like all cuts, time is needed to heal. I pray that all will start now to heal with the help of our Lord Jehovah and his son Jesus, so the process can start! Experience the change and the calling!! Our God has not forsaken us. The power is hear now!!
calling all lost sheep!
it is not too late.
i have been an observer of this site for some time now.
I am only a man who has been where you have been. Please, lets get back to what has been lost.
calling all lost sheep!
it is not too late.
i have been an observer of this site for some time now.
(((Your very presence here is in direct violation of the 'wise and loving counsel' from the Faithful and Discreet Slave (lol). How can you help anyone when you don't even follow the rules that you are defending?)))
I know this tired, defensive response. However, let me say to you that Jehovah does allow the Shepard to leave the ninety-nine to find the one. I am now knocking at your door, I don’t know who you are or your past. Great things are taking place as I write this!! Trust this provision of love.
Sister Mouse, thanks for your light! It truly shines on us all.
calling all lost sheep!
it is not too late.
i have been an observer of this site for some time now.
Nathan Natas:
My dear brother, (nice pic) I know you are crying out. I understand your points. But lets go deeper. Lets go to your relationship with our great God. You come here, why? What drives you and me here, to this site, every day thinking and talking and writing about Jehovah’s people?
You have listed more than I can write now, however, there is a higher level we both can take, to get to where we need to be. I can’t offer you relief in this post, e-mail me and through our Lord we will walk together and find our true calling as one of Jehovah’s people.
I have read your posts, and know you have it in you.
simon: last post on this topic for the week!
hope all have enjoyed this information!.
"""""missing trunk .
Escargot, you are doing a fine work for our Lord! Keep it up.
calling all lost sheep!
it is not too late.
i have been an observer of this site for some time now.
Let me help you:
Calling all lost sheep! It is not too late. I have been an observer of this site for some time now. I am here to defend the truth and set matters straight. I know your pain, for I have been there. However, now is the time to turn to our Lord Jehovah and find healing.
I know that I may be torn to threads by some, but I can take it! I know that many of you have many pains, however, these "blocks" can be overcome. I pray for us all.