Hear I am:
Yes I am a Jehovah's Witnesses, the only true path! I cannot touch each point, however, I will enjoy talking with each one of you!
The sword of truth will help all issues!
calling all lost sheep!
it is not too late.
i have been an observer of this site for some time now.
Hear I am:
Yes I am a Jehovah's Witnesses, the only true path! I cannot touch each point, however, I will enjoy talking with each one of you!
The sword of truth will help all issues!
dear brothers and sisters:.
there is darkness in this world.
many have e-mailed me with concerns and asking for help and advise.
JT: Thanks for your thoughts! We will be talking soon! All others, I know most of you need attention! I will do my best!
darwin on trial is the title of a book on evolution that has ruffled the feathers of the secular scientific community.
though a christian, author philip johnson critiques evolutionary theory from a secular standpoint as he examines the philosophical games many scientists play to protect their evolutionary ideology.
johnson, a law professor at the university of california at berkeley, attacks head-on the often-heard statement that evolution is both a fact and a theory, an evolutionary dogma that has been a major source of confusion for a long time.
You did not come from apes! Comeback to Jehovah!!
just wanted to start a day early in wishing everyone a very joyous solstice.. this time of year has always seemed rather magical in a way - the shortness of the day, the lack of light, the so-obvious connection with the earth and solar system that it reminds me of.
you pagans will all understand what i mean.
somehow i've managed to get to a party of some sort at this time of year for the past few years, and i'm headed to one tomorrow night.. i also wanted to say that this board, and h2o before it, has been a huge help to me over the past two years.
This is a pagan, God/Christ dis-honoring celebration! Please refer to the Reasoning book pages 176-180. Shame on you. However, it is not to late to change! 2Cor 6:14-18
dear brothers and sisters:.
there is darkness in this world.
many have e-mailed me with concerns and asking for help and advise.
I care about you to! So does our God!
dear brothers and sisters:.
there is darkness in this world.
many have e-mailed me with concerns and asking for help and advise.
Brother Reborn2002:
I know, I know, many questions you are seeking an answer to. I can’t do it all here now. Please understand and forgive me. However, let me speak to your heart: What, deep down are you missing? We all want goodness and to do right to all........... E-mail me and we shall speak.
What your true answers are, are not to your questions you posted!
dear brothers and sisters:.
there is darkness in this world.
many have e-mailed me with concerns and asking for help and advise.
Please don't take offence! Love will win out, all things will be set right in Jehovah's eyes! Thanks for your post!
dear brothers and sisters:.
there is darkness in this world.
many have e-mailed me with concerns and asking for help and advise.
Dear brother Pathofthorns:
I truly hear you!! However, please know that I am here for you!
calling all lost sheep!
it is not too late.
i have been an observer of this site for some time now.
Yes, I know you are calling out! Much, much pain. I understand, I just truly love you all and I am here to help.
dear brothers and sisters:.
there is darkness in this world.
many have e-mailed me with concerns and asking for help and advise.
Dear Brothers and sisters:
There is darkness in this world. Many have e-mailed me with concerns and asking for help and advise. Because of the number of unsuspecting friends that visit this site, this site for topics related to Jehovah’s Witnesses must be brought to a site for light, not darkness. Please help me!
I call each Christian here back to their senses to the real issues at hand. Currently, many use this forum as an excuse for loose conduct and mis-information. Many brothers are relentlessly beaten by others who do not subscribe to their darkness. The word of God’s truth will help us to do this. We must help all those who are crying and calling out. A lot of pain is here. Who stands with me? Not one?