rebel8. Thanks - this is the sort of experience that helps make me to come to a decision. Any 'residence' in the garden would be classed as part of this house so hoping that would not be an issue. Will check that out legally before doing anything though.
I think that your take on your childhood that it was your mum's behaviour that was the problem is interesting. Aguests post made me really angry. I did not post wanting people to side with me, but littered through her posts are suggestions that this is at least partly my fault ("it takes two"). My wife is emotionally abusive. Full stop. I have acted as her punching bag for years. Case in point was the last few mornings. She has got up and just cold shouldered me for most of the day, snapped at me whenever I open my mouth and moaned about anything she could. I never bit back and just took it. Last night I said calmly that if this is going to work she has to at least treat me like a human being (or a work colleague). She acknowledged that she had behaved badly and said that she thought the situation was awful and none of it was directed at me. I said that it felt like it was directed at me and the way she behaved was her choice. I could only tell her how it made me feel. She then explodes and says that I was saying she was horrible all the time.
You know Aguest, when a woman is being physically abused by a man would you say: "Again, there are two sides. Could be you're a difficult woman to be married to (no offense; they're out there, too)"
She is not always awful - sometimes we get along fine. Just as is the case for most abusive relationships I guess. I try desperately not to argue but just as the woman who is beaten by her husband sometimes you fight back. And in just the same way as with physical abuse sometimes the injured party has to get out for their own sake as well as their children. I'm sorry, but your attitude just stinks of "well, all men are at heart selfish bastards really. She would not be behaving like this if only you were a better husband." Just to make it clear, this is some things I have done or do to try to make my wife's life easier:
- Always got up in the night with the children when they were babies, changed and washed their nappies.
- Always (and I mean always) get up with the children before she does and at the weekend let her lay in, sometimes when the kids have been up at 7 and she gets up at 10. Will then ask her whether she wants to go to the gym or if there is anything else she would like to do.
- I do all the cooking
- I bath and put the kids to bed most nights
- She has a cat nap in the afternoon most days so I look after the children while she is doing this
- I asked her to produce a rota for the housework that made her feel comfortable that everything was equitable there (even though I already at least my fair share)
- At the same time I work full time so spend most evenings working while she watches the telly (only have a few hours free during the day)
- I have asked her on numerous occasions if there is anything I can do to support her (for example she is currently looking at being a retained firefighter and I am sat here as I am typing her telling her that I will make sure I fit my work around her and look after the children should she get the job), that i understand what she is going through and used to tell her all the time I thought she was beautiful, a good mum and that I loved her.
I don't ever list these things to her as 'look at what I do for you' and I am not listing these things to say 'look at what a great guy I am' but rather I was just peed off with your suggestion I should be doing more. I'm also just saying that I try really hard to be the best husband and dad I can be.
I could earn a lot more money doing other stuff but always valued my family much higher than financial things. I am not saying I am great - we all have our problems that we want to work on and improve ourselves. But I thought that part of loving someone was about accepting their weaknesses and supporting them should they want to change. I am sure there are loads of dads out there that do exactly the same, put up with the same shit, then leave and society still sees the wife as the innocent party.
Rant over