If someone will visit Amsterdam soon we can have a lunch.
Besides lunch there is enough to do in Amsterdam.
the last few years "warren buffet.
" has donated his time to the highest bidder for charity.
the ebay auction usually goes for $100,000 to spend lunch-time and pick his brain on his view.
If someone will visit Amsterdam soon we can have a lunch.
Besides lunch there is enough to do in Amsterdam.
the co who is covering the central valley, mentioned how easy this concept is to understand.
in his talk, he said many of the friends had made a "big deal, over little.
he used the "titanic analogy, used the space shuttle analogy.
So in the future the dream of nebukadnessar has an third fulfillment when he dreams about 7 times:
The third explanation will be like one time is equal to one generation of 40 years. use 7 times 40 years and start from 1914. Mixed if needed prophetic years with moon years and solar years.
Or use the Noah style 120 years after 1914 or do some trick with 3.5 times = 3.5 generation which is this generation ( end times)
120 years contain 3 generations than you can add more 20 years and have 140 years after 1914.
Will the GB also puzzle to extending/confuse the whole generation theme where they know 1914 is wrong but they cannot change it.
the co who is covering the central valley, mentioned how easy this concept is to understand.
in his talk, he said many of the friends had made a "big deal, over little.
he used the "titanic analogy, used the space shuttle analogy.
I agreed with Diamondiiz,
They play confusing to extend the big A! Every part from 607 BC, 1914 and this generation is invisible.
Okay i translate it for you:
We are the Borg (Bethel ORGanisation).
You will be assimilated.
Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own.
Resistance is futile.
Mankkeli talks like this:
Point is Stephen Hawking and Richard Dawkings know what they talking about. JW's dont! they repeat WT's magazines and other JW books.
" They were both amazed at the grandiloquent write up of the newly released brochures on the origin of life released at the 2010 DC. WT's logic in that brochure motivated their attendance. "
wuahahuahauahauahaha You made the funniest comment on the day!!!
we've all see the disgusting statements the gb are unleashing on the jdubs by way of their rags.
usually the 'in house' watchtower where we've seen 'mentally diseased apostates' and 'jehu' slaughtering 'apostates'.. .
then we see a battered wife staying with her husband (if the story can be believed), for 17 years before 'steve' gets assimilated into the borg.. .
Try to stand in their shoes.
Thats what i try to think. I got the same questions which kind of heading they are choosing.
Now there are 7 GB members. I think the first mayor goal was to grow the JW membership or publishers.
The second half of 2011 you read alot of warning this that etc etc in their magazines. and stories like Selma to keep the sheep in line even they are hit.
They play now: keep the amount of members as it is for now and do damage control and try to eliminate all danger.
1) on saturday's last talk by the do, he made a cool illustration.
he said "imagine my wife found a picture of another woman in my wallet.
and when she approaches my about it, i say 'oh, thats only because she reminds me of you.
So they use the term Armageddon during the meetings but in the magazines they drop this term.
Again and over again those poor people who need to listen to this.
The group presure in this is great. If some one had the same question for a while, he or she now think its a shame to think like this.
But hey Jezus got the same question and how did he answer? just read the bible and see the signs.
See an increase of eartquakes take place a brother say to me last year and i say provid me your source. Yeah hear the news bla bla. My answer was simpel: every day there are 50 eartquakes worldwide and some time it hit some people and if there is some damage it will come on your TV or newspaper. In 1914 there where arround 2 billion people now as i write this down already 7 billion. More people than ever lives near an area where those earthquakes took place.
The end times make no sense if our population on this planet increase so hard:
i have heard on this site, and others that some doctors say many "jehovahs witnesses" actually accept blood transfusions for themselves and family when the chip are down.
i have been told by hospital laison members (relatives) that the reason for the "bedside elder vigil" is actually to keep patients and family members from "weakening".
now i know a lot of people identify themselves as jws on old medical charts and such (according to pew research and personal experiance...so i am simply interested in opinions on active current jws.. my personal feeling is 2/3 to 75% would allow themselves or family members to die.
80% I think.
The fear is stronger than survive yourself by most JW's