I was thinking of posting a similar question.
My opinion is that JWs, for the most part, are very descent, honest citizens - at least outwardly and towards others.
Probably more so than other religions, every possible path of conduct is layed out for them. They have been coached on how to deal with all sorts of situations and coached on what not to do over and over, and they are afraid not to obey. Also hanging over them is the threat that word will get out and they will be in trouble. Whereas most people don't live with fear of judgement on many things, JWs are subject to a very strict rules and are judged by a subjective court of elders in closed door hearings.
There are of course, glaring examples (child molestors, adulterers, etc.). But on the whole, I'd say they at least act out the good citizen part. Whether they do it out of fear or from their heart is another matter. And that's a problem. A Christian should have freedom and choose the right course, not be treated like a kid with a list of do's and don'ts. Their view of a "Bible trained conscience" isn't really a conscience at all. It's merely memorizing a list of things to do or not to do. When presented with a new situation, they usually go running to their watchtower CD to look up whether a bunch of old men say it's OK.
But, bottom line, would I, for instance, trust a JW stranger alone with my possessions? I'd say yes because I know what they are programmed to think. I'd probably trust them more than a stranger I knew wasn't JW.
And I'm not saying this as some endorsement of them. They're just the only ones I've had religious experience with. Maybe I'd feel the same way with a Muslim or Hindu if I understood his beliefs and convictions.
But I also agree that many have pent-up a lot and are more subject to certain wrongdoings. Some of the JW kids went wild as soon as they could - more so than "wordly" kids. Further into drugs, satanism, sexuality than non-JWs who lived life and had things in balance.