JoinedTopics Started by jwsons
OZ Silentlambs
by jwsons injang just announced that the current affair program of tv channel 9 will focus on jws child abuse cases on september 22, 2002 at 6:30pm (oz melbourne and sydney time).. http://www.aimoo.com/forum/postview.cfm?id=311102&categoryid=2967&startcat=1&threadid=261987" .
edited by - angharad on 16 september 2002 6:30:56 .
edited by - angharad on 16 september 2002 6:32:30edited by - angharad on 16 september 2002 6:32:38.
A JDub defends her Interlinear Translation !!!
by jwsons indid you read this stuff yet ?.
Slightly changing doctrine in WT Aug 1, 2002,p13?
by jwsons infrom wt aug 1, 2002 page 13 quote:.
representing the royal priesthood are appointed elders, who serve in position of resposibility in congregations of jehovah 's people around the earth" (paragraph 18, page 13).
by using the term "representing" do they try to change the heavenly hope in the future ?
WELCOME Shunned ! !(((((((((( Shunned)))))))))
by jwsons inwelcome my sister, with warmed heart from me.
i 'm shunned too.. jwsons
Does anyone know about this WT tool ?
by jwsons indear all,.
i really don't know what's it about, if anynone know, just tell me.
by myself, i have no idea.. http://jehovah.to/index.htm
Big Ray has trouble with Watchtower Society ?
by jwsons indear everyone,.
you may known that previously, this discussion forum owned by big ray, he is a faithful witness to watchtower, he sold his forum then formed some other similar forums for others, who faithful to the society.
however, he now seems has a problem with society.
Big Ray in trouble with Watchtower Society ?
by jwsons indear everyone,.
you may known that previously, this discussion forum owned by big ray, he is a faithful witness to watchtower, he sold his forum then formed some other similar forums for others, who faithful to the society.
however, he now seems has a problem with society.
Discussion Forum in French (francais)
by jwsons into whom it maybe concerned:.
there is a discussion board forum in french language here:.
WT's Alliant TechSystems bought Boeing 4 Military
by jwsons inwe all know well about watchtower owned 50% shares in regi (reg technologies inc.), a shareholder of alliant techsystems which developed rand cam engines.
in case you haven't known it yet, it's here :.