You're stuck in time like they are. I've moved on - isn't that what evolution is all about?
JoinedPosts by NowAndThen
The evidence AGAINST evolution.
by nicolaou innot in the fossil record, geographical spread or d.n.a.
it's certainly not found in the perfect 'design' of our bodies or the planet we live on.
without appealing to the supernatural or 'sacred texts' where can solid evidence be found against darwinian evolution by natural selection?.
The evidence AGAINST evolution.
by nicolaou innot in the fossil record, geographical spread or d.n.a.
it's certainly not found in the perfect 'design' of our bodies or the planet we live on.
without appealing to the supernatural or 'sacred texts' where can solid evidence be found against darwinian evolution by natural selection?.
You're just like the WTS!
Anyway, you got me there. You've got a life, finally. And you have evolved.
The evidence AGAINST evolution.
by nicolaou innot in the fossil record, geographical spread or d.n.a.
it's certainly not found in the perfect 'design' of our bodies or the planet we live on.
without appealing to the supernatural or 'sacred texts' where can solid evidence be found against darwinian evolution by natural selection?.
You've lost me there. Anyway, we need not throw flames over evolution or creation. Parallels. We may argue the facts or lack thereof until cocks lay eggs, we are likely not to agree. I am in a lighthearted mood and none of what I write need be taken seriously. Life's too short, you know. If evolution works for you, so be it. You should not be shot for it nor should creationists be hanged. I have weighed the "evidence" of evolution and gone away not satisfied. Nor am I fully sold on creation, at least not in the way religions explain it.
So before taking what I pound out too seriously, go brew yourself some coffee or whatever works for you.
I am on this board to comment where I feel like commenting, and in the method I choose.
May your day turn out beautifully.
The evidence AGAINST evolution.
by nicolaou innot in the fossil record, geographical spread or d.n.a.
it's certainly not found in the perfect 'design' of our bodies or the planet we live on.
without appealing to the supernatural or 'sacred texts' where can solid evidence be found against darwinian evolution by natural selection?.
In Dawkin's and Darwin's name, I consign thee to the apes!
Witnesses and aging
by man in black inlast night my dad called, (he has become more jw - like since my mom died two years ago).
we talked about normal things, relatives, weather, etc.
until an opportunity rose up and he started with the.
No issues really. There is no denying that 1975 had a terrible impact on people and that JWs were pressured into believing unquestionably that the end would come that year. There is ample literature to prove that a million times over. Yes, people did get hurt - and I empathize with you over your own personal hurt. I was in Junior High at the time. It felt very sad and wierd to see families practically withdraw their kids from school (I have always lived in the developing world), or who held the reasoning that in the New World, reading the Bible and the WT publications would supply enough knowledge to human kind.
That singular teaching - more than any other - produced a lost generation. I did not mean to be disrespectful of the pain that you and others suffered.
Best regards.
why do ex-jw's talk so much....
by bittersweet inso my husband ( who is a baptised witness who no longer attends meetings and pretty much doesn't believe any more ) asked me last night why do so many ex-jw's feel the need to keep talking about the religion even when they have been out of it for years.
i told him that in my case i still talk about it because i feel i lost so much of my life to them and i am still upset about it.
also that many people have lost families and livlihoods, etc.
They've got deemins in their heads ever since they kicked J'hvah out. If initially they had one deemin, after J'hvah left, the one deemin went out and brought back nine more deemins, making ten. Ten deemins talk all the time, but the poor exJW considers s/he's the one doin' all the talkin'. Good reason the heed the counsel from J'hvah to not eat on the table of deemins.
Deemins are powerful creatures indeed.
Caveat: for those without a sense of humour, the above is written as humour. Lighten up.
The evidence AGAINST evolution.
by nicolaou innot in the fossil record, geographical spread or d.n.a.
it's certainly not found in the perfect 'design' of our bodies or the planet we live on.
without appealing to the supernatural or 'sacred texts' where can solid evidence be found against darwinian evolution by natural selection?.
I don't "bounche" up. Make that "bounce" Bohm.
Now that I see you are a psychiatrist and an expert in remote diagnosis, I wonder who is madder.
Doctor, cure thyself.
The evidence AGAINST evolution.
by nicolaou innot in the fossil record, geographical spread or d.n.a.
it's certainly not found in the perfect 'design' of our bodies or the planet we live on.
without appealing to the supernatural or 'sacred texts' where can solid evidence be found against darwinian evolution by natural selection?.
Yes I do, Dr. bohm, having evolved.
It's not your board, from what I gather. I can post what I like, provided I do not violate board policy.
"New Generation Teaching Proves How Close the End Is"
by Sour Grapes inrecently a circuit overseer said in one of his talks that the new light.
on the generation teaching shows how very close the end is because.
there will be a time when the over lap will end.
Don't you worry Bangalore.
The rank and file are in deep sedation; new light pumps in more opium. There is no hope of a massive awakening.
Witnesses and aging
by man in black inlast night my dad called, (he has become more jw - like since my mom died two years ago).
we talked about normal things, relatives, weather, etc.
until an opportunity rose up and he started with the.
I was a boy.
And yes, I did. On hindsight, I can look at it with humour - which I understand many cannot because of the cost. There was so much fear and angst, a bit of euphoria too. I guess it was my dad who kept us all together. He was skeptical about the whole thing from the start and went on with life with his usual gusto.
So Heartofaboy, I will not shut up - I have every right to say how I feel about things. I lived through 1975.
Thank you.