For those who mock and bully Watersprout, you are showing much intolerance. Your true personalities have emerged from the smokescreen of your smooth talk. Your claim to have left the WT and embraced "nobler" ways has been exposed as untrue (you must have bullied even before joining the WT). If indeed your actions are WT-induced, you may have physically left, but you are all still bound to that mental frame. This thread has revealed so much raw agression from certain individuals who would rather hurt others to prove their own righteousness. It is such a huge shame.
I know there is a congregation of atheists and agnostics here who revel in their camaraderie. That boundlessly vocal group is drowning out the voice of those who would rather believe in the sacred, the revealed.
Faith is what many seek to hang on to, or some explanation of faith, when they join a board that is devoted to discussing a particular branch of Christianity. There is no empirical test to measure faith and belief.
How is one to know that the starter of this thread did not hear voices? And if Watersprout did hear voices, who is to say that what was heard was not real, at least to the hearer?
Religious/mystical experience is restricted to the individual. Paul was converted through one. Some may claim he was delusional or had some form of mental illness. Yet, his conviction that the encounter was real changed his life, to the point where he would rather embrace death than renounce.
I am with you Watersprout.